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Hamra, G. B., N. Guha, A. Cohen, F. Laden, O. Raaschou-Nielsen, J. M. Samet, P. Vineis, et al. "Outdoor Particulate Matter Exposure and Lung Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis." Environmental Health Perspectives 122 (2014): 906–11. doi:10.1289 / ehp.1408092.

Jonker, M. T. O., and L. van Mourik. "Exceptionally Strong Sorption of Infochemicals to Activated Carbon Reduces Their Bioavailability to Fish." Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33 (2014): 493–99.

Liu, L., B. Urch, R. Poon, M. Szyszkowicz, M. Speck, D. R. Gold, A. J. Wheeler, et al. "Effects of Ambient Coarse, Fine, and Ultrafine Particles and Their Biological Constituents on Systemic Biomarkers: A Controlled Human Exposure Study." Environmental Health Perspectives 123 (2015): 534–40. doi:10.1289/ehp.1408387.

McEachran, A. D., B. R. Blackwell, J. D. Hanson, K. J. Wooten, G. D. Mayer, S. B. Cox, and P. N. Smith. "Antibiotics, Bacteria, and Antibiotic Resistance Genes: Aerial Transport from Cattle Feed Yards via Particulate Matter." Environmental Health Perspectives 123 (2015): 337–43. doi:10.1289/ehp.1408555.

Sandstrom, T., and B. Forsberg. "Desert Dust: An Unrecognized Source of Dangerous Air Pollution?" Epidemiology 19 (2008): 808–9.

Valavanidis, A., K. Fiotakis, and T. Vlachogianni. "Airborne Particulate Matter and Human Health: Toxicological Assessment and Importance of Size and Composition of Particles for Oxidative Carcinogenic Mechanisms." Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part C: Environmental Carcinogenesis Ecotoxicology Reviews 26 (2008): 339–62. doi:10.1080/10590500802494538.

Vignati, D. A., T. Dworak, B. Ferrari, B. Koukal, J. L. Loizeau, M. Minouflet, M. I. Camusso, S. Polesello, and J. Dominik. "Assessment of the Geochemical Role of Colloids and Their Impact on Contaminant Toxicity in Freshwaters: An Example from the Lambro-Po System (Italy)." Environmental Science and Technology 39 (2005): 489–97.

Von Essen, S. G., and B. W. Auvermann. "Health Effects from Breathing Air Near CAFOs for Feeder Cattle or Hogs." Journal of Agromedicine 10 (2005): 55–64.

Глава 8. Природные яды: растительные и животные токсины

Fry, B. G. «From Genome to 'Venome': Molecular Origin and Evolution of the Snake Venom Proteome Inferred from Phylogenetic Analysis of Toxin Sequences and Related Body Proteins.» Genome Research 15 (2005): 403–20.

Глава 9. Металлы: дар и проклятие

Clarkson, T. W. «The Three Modern Faces of Mercury.» Environmental Health Perspectives 110 (2002): 11–23.

Diamond, G. L., P. E. Goodrum, S. P. Felter, and W. L. Ruoff. "Gastrointestinal Absorption of Metals." Drug and Chemical Toxicology 21 (1998): 223–51.

Hakim, J. "The Story of the Atom." American Federation of Teachers (2002): 12–25.

Le, T. T., W. J. Peijnenburg, A. J. Hendriks, and M. G. Vijver. "Predicting Effects of Cations on Copper Toxicity to Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) by the Biotic Ligand Model." Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31 (2012): 355–59.