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Николай Васильевич Клягин

835. Zhu M., Yu X. A primitive fish close to the common ancestor of tetrapods and lungfish // Nature. 2002. V. 418, № 6899. P. 767–770.

836. Zhu M., Yu X., Janvier P. A primitive fossil fish sheds light on the origin of bony fishes // Nature. 1999. V. 397, № 6720. P. 607–610.

837. Zhu Z.-H., Fujimoto M.-K. Constraints on the Cardassian scenario from the expansion turnaround redshift and the Sunyaev – Zeldovich/X-ray data // The Astro-physical Journal. 2004. V. 602, № 1, part 1. P. 12–17.

838. Zimmer C. Fossils Give Glimpse of Old Mother Lamprey // Science. 1999. V. 286, № 5442. P. 1064–1065.

839. Zollikofer C. P. E., Ponce de Leô n M. S., Lieberman D. E., Guy F., Pilbeam D., Likius A., Mackaye H. T., Vignaud P., Brunet M. Virtual cranial reconstruction of Sahelanthropus tchadensis // Nature. 2005. V. 434, № 7034. P. 755–759.

840. Zuckerman S. The social life of monkeys and apes. L.: Kegan, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1932. XII, 357, 20 p.