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Валентин Васильевич Седов

«Slavs in the Cherniakhov Culture. Forma-tion of Ants» (p. 233) Cherniakhov culture (late 2nd — early 5th centuries A.D.) was a polyethnic conglomeration. The most part of its population were Sarmatians, that settled widely between Lower Danube and Meothida (the Sea of Azov), and Slavs. In the Dniester- Danube region also Gets-Daks and Goths- Gepids tribes lived, belonging to this culture. The formation of Cherniakhov culture was a result of ioteraction of the South-Eastern Prze¬worsk tribes with Sarmatians. Some uniformity of Chemiakhov territory was conditioned by spreading of Roman Provincial Culture. In the region of Podolia and Middle Dnieper a new dialect-tribal formatiqn Ants — was gene¬rated under the circumstances of Slavic-Iranian symbiosis.

«Slavs during the Mig’ration Period» (p. 287). The migration of Germanian tribes towards the borders of Roman Empire and the Huns invasion in late 4th century A.D. changed the cultural situation in South-Eastern Europe con-siderably. The development of Provincial Ro¬man cultures» had been interrupted, the majo¬rity of crafts centres stopped functioning, the period of cultural regress began, and it was strengthened by the unfavourable conditions for the agriculture. A part of Slavic population was forced to leave the Przeworsk and Cherniakhov territories and to move to the other lands.

During the 5th century, as the stabilization of life had begun, the process of formation of the early medieval Slavic cultures took place: Prague-Korchak culture on the basis of Przeworsk remains; Pen’kovka culture on the basis of Podolia-Dnieper variant of Cherniakhov cul¬ture with the participation of northern immi¬grants (the population of Kiev culture); the culture of Pskov Long Barrows; Imen’kovo culture and some other small ones.

Translated by N. Lopatin

Список сокращений

АСГЭ — Археологический сборник Государственного Эрмитажа. Л.

ВЯ — Вопросы языкознания. М.

КС ИА — Краткие сообшения Института археологии Академии наук СССР. М.

КСИИМК — Краткие сообщения Института истории материальной культуры Академии наук СССР. М.

МИА — Материалы н исследования по археологии СССР. М.; Л.

СА - Советская археология. М.

САИ — Свод археологических источников. М.

WA — WiadomoSci archeologiczne. Warszawa.

Валентин Васильевич Седов СЛАВЯНЕ В ДРЕВНОСТИ

Художник Н.С.Сафронова Оригиналы карт В.В.Седов Верстка: Н.В.Лопатин

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Издательство НПБО «Фонд археологии» ЛР № 062652 от 26.05.93