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Дэвид Тросби

Throsby D. Artists as Workers // Cultural Economics / R. Towse, A. Khakee (eds). Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1992. P. 201–208; repr. in [Towse, 1997a, vol. II, p. 261–268].

Throsby D. A Work-Preference Model of Artist Behaviour // Cultural Economics and Cultural Policies / A. Peacock, I. Rizzo (eds). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994a. P. 69–80.

Throsby D. The Production and Consumption of the Arts: a View of Cultural Economies // Journal of Economic Literature. 1994b. Vol. 32. P. 1–29; repr. in [Towse, 1997a, vol. I, p. 51–79].

Throsby D. Culture, Economics and Sustainability // Journal of Cultural Economics. 1995. Vol. 19. P. 199–206.

Throsby D. Disaggregated Earnings Functions for Artists // Economics of the Arts: Selected Essays / V. A. Ginsburgh, P.-M. Menger (eds). Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1996. P. 331–346.

Throsby D. Making Preservation Happen: The Pros and Cons of Regulation // Preserving the Built Heritage: Tools for Implementation / J.M. Schuster, J. de Monchaux, C.A. Riley II (eds). Hanover: University Press of New England, 1997a. P. 32–48.

Throsby D. Seven Questions in the Economics of Cultural Heritage // Economic Perspectives on Cultural Heritage / M. Hutter, I. Rizzo (eds). L.: Macmillan, 1997b. P 13–30.

Throsby D. Sustainability and Culture: Some Theoretical Issues // International Journal of Cultural Policy. 1997c. Vol. 4. P. 7–20.

Throsby D. 1998a. Rethinking the State’s Role: Privatization, Economics and Cultural Policy // Privatization and Culture: Experiences in the Arts, Heritage and Cultural Industries in Europe / P.B. Boorsma, A. van Hemel, N. van der Wielen (eds). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998. P. 49–57.

Throsby D. 1998b. The Role of Music in International Trade and Development // UNESCO, World Culture Report. 1998a. P. 193–209.

Throsby D. Cultural Capital // Journal of Cultural Economics. 1999. Vol. 23. P. 3–12.

Throsby D., Thompson B. But What Do You Do for a Living? A New Economic Study of Australian Artists. Sydney: Australia Council, 1994.

Throsby D., Withers G. The Economics of the Performing Arts. L.: Edward Arnold, 1979.

Throsby D., Withers G. Measuring the Demand for the Arts as a Public Good: Theory and Empirical Results // Economics of Cultural Decisions / W.S. Hendon, J.L. Shanahan (eds). Cambridge: Abt Books, 1983. P 177–191.

Throsby D., Withers G. What Price Culture? Sydney: Australia Council, 1984; repr. in [Towse, 1997a, vol. II, p. 577–610].

Throsby D., Withers G. Strategic Bias and Demand for Public Goods // Journal of Public Economics. 1986. Vol. 31. P 307–327; repr. in [Towse, 1997a, vol. II, p. 611–631].

Thurow L.C. The Future of Capitalism: How Today’s Economic Forces Shape Tomorrow’s World. N.Y.: William Morrow & Co, 1996.

Todaro M.P. Economic Development. N.Y.: Addison-Wesley Longman, 2000.

Tollison R.D. Rent-Seeking: A Survey // Kyklos. 1982. Vol. 35. P 575–602.

Toman M. Why not to Calculate the Value of the World’s Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital // Ecological Economics. 1998. Vol. 25. P. 57–60.