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Ирина Владимировна Ермакова

26. Ermakova I.V. GM soybeans revisiting a controversial format//Nature Biotechnology, V.25, N12, 2007, 1351-1354.

27. Ewen S.W, Pusztai A. Effect of diets containing genetically modified potatoes expressing Galanthus nivalis lectin on rat small intestine. Lancet. 354 (9187), 1999.

28. Malatesta M., Biggiogera M., Manuali E., Rocchi M.B.L., Baldelli B., Gazzanelli G: Fine structural analyses of pancreatic acinar cell nuclei from mice fed on GM soybean. Eur. J. Histochem., 47, 2003, 385-388.

29. Malatesta M., Caporalony C., Gavaudan S., Rocchi M.B.L., Tiberi C., Gazzanelli G. Ultrastructural, morphometrical and immunocytochemical analysis of hepatocyte nuclei from mice fed on genetically modified soybean. Cell Struct. Funct., 27, 2002, 173-180.

30. Mercer, D.K., Scott, K.P., Bruce-Johnson, W.A., Glover, L.A. and Flint, H.J. Fate of free DNA and transformation of oral bacterium Streptococcus gordonii DL1 plasmid DNA in human saliva. Aplied and Environmental Microbiology. 65, 1999, 6-10.

31. Open Letter from World Scientists to All Governments Concerning Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), 2000.

32. Prescott, V.E., Campbell, P.M., Moore, A., Mattes, J., Rothenberg, M.E., Foster, P.S., Higgins, T.J.V. and Hogan, S.P. Transgenic expression of bean alpha-amylase inhibitor in peas results in altered structure and immunogenicity. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 53, 2005, 9023-9030.

33. Pusztai A. Report of Project Coordinator on data produced at the Rowett Research Institute. SOAEFD flexible Fund Project RO 818. 22 October 1998.

34. Pusztai A. Genetically Modified Foods: Are They a Risk to Human/Animal Health. Biotechnology: genetically modified organisms. 2001.

35. Schubbert R., Lettmann C. and Doerfler W. Ingested foreign (phage M13) DNA survives transiently in the gastrointestinal tract and enters the blood stream of mice. Molecules, Genes and Genetics 242, 1994, 495-504.

36. Schubbert R., Hohlweg U., Renz D. and Doerfler W. On the fate of orally ingested foreign DNA in mice: chromosomal association and placental transmission in the fetus. Molecules, Genes and Genetics 259, 1998, 569-576.

37. Shiva V., Jalees K. Seeds of suicide. The ecological and human costs of seed monopolies and globalization of agriculture. Navdanya, 2006. 298 p.

38. Seralini G.E., Cellier D., Vendomois JS. New Analysis of a Rat Feeding Study with a Genetically Modified Maize Reveals Signs of Hepatorenal Toxicity // Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol, 2007.

39. Smith Jeffrey “Genetic Roulette” The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods. USA, Fairfield, IOWA, 320 p.

40. Turrini, A.1, Sbrana, C.2, & Giovannetti, M Experimental Systems to Monitor the Impact of Transgenic Corn on Keystone Soil Microorganisms. 16 IFOAM Organic World Congress, Modena, Italy, June 16-20, 2008.

41. Vecchio L., Cisterna B., Malatesta M., Martin T.E., Biggiogera B. Ultrastructural analysis of testes from mice fed on genetically modified soybean. Eur. J. Histochem., 48, 2003, 449-453.