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Тату Ванханен

Vanhanen, T. (1999a). Ethnic Conflicts Explained by Ethnic Nepotism. Research in Biopolitics, Volume 7. Stamford, Connecticut: JAI Press.

Vanhanen, T. (1999b). Domestic Ethnic Conflict and Ethnic Nepotism: A Comparative Analysis. Journal of Peace Research 36, 1, 55-73.

Vanhanen, T. (2003). Democratization: A comparative analysis of 170 countries. London and New York: Routledge.

Vanhanen, T. (2004). An Exploratory Comparative Study of the Relationship between Ethnic Heterogeneity and Welfare Politics,” in F. K. Salter (ed.), Welfare, Ethnicity, and Altruism: New Findings and Evolutionary Theory. London: Frank Cass, pp. 88-118.

Vanhanen, T. (2012). Ethnic Conflict and Violence in Heterogeneous Societies. The Journal of Social, Political andEconomic Studies 37, 1, 38-66.

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Vlassenroot, K. (2006). A Societal View on Violence & War. Conflict & Militia Formation in Eastern Congo. In P. Kaarsholm (Ed.), Violence, Political Culture & Development in Africa. Oxford: James Currey.

Walter, B. F. (2004). Does Conflict Beget Conflict? Explaining Recurring Civil War. Journal of Peace Research 31, 3, 371-388.

Ward, M. D. and Gleditsch, K. S. (1998). Democratizing for Peace. American Political Science.

Waters, M. C. (1996). Ethnic and racial groups in the USA: Conflict and cooperation. In K. Rupesinghe and V. A. Tishkov (Eds), Ethnicity and power in the contemporary world. Tokyo: United Nations University Press.

WDM. See Minority Rights Group International.

Weede, E. (2004). On Political Violence and its Avoidance. Acta Politico 39, 2, 152-178.

Weiner, M. (1992). Peoples and states in a new ethnic order? Third World Quarterly 13, 2, 317-333.

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Wilson, E. O. 1975. Sociobiology: A New Synthesis. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

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Wolff, S. (2006). Ethnic Conflict: A Global Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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The World Factbook. See Central Intelligence Agency.

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