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Джон Куиггин

Fukuyama F. The End of History and the Last Man. New York: Free Press, 1992.

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Gordon D. Fat and Mean: The Corporate Squeeze of Working Americans and the Myth of Managerial «Downsizing». New York: Martin Kessler Books and Free Press, 1996.

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Graham L., Snower D. Hyperbolic Discounting and the Phillips Curve // Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 2008. Vol. 40 (2–3). P. 427–448.

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Grant S., Quiggin J. The Risk Premium for Equity: Implications for the Proposed Diversification of the Social Security Fund // American Economic Review. 2002. Vol. 92 (4). P. 1104–1115.

Grant S., Quiggin J. Public Investment and the Risk Premium for Equity// Economica. 2003. Vol. 70 (277). P. 1–18.

Grant S., Quiggin J. Noise Trader Risk and the Welfare Effects of Privatization // Economics Bulletin. 2004. Vol. 5 (9). P. 1–8.

Grant S., Quiggin J. What Does the Equity Premium Mean? // Economists' Voice. 2005. Vol. 2 (4). Article 2.

Grant S., Quiggin J. The Risk Premium for Equity: Implications for Resource Allocation, Welfare, and Policy // Australian Economic Papers. 2006. Vol. 45 (3). P. 253–268.