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Олег Алексеевич Рубанов

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Линейный корабль "Нагато". 1920-е гг.

Линейный корабль "Мутсу". 1926 г. (Наружный вид)

Линейные корабли типа "Нагато"

(Сведения о кораблях, опубликованные в английском справочнике "JANE'S FIGHTING SHIPS". 1928)

These Notes are not from any official data.

Gunnery Notes.—16 inch guns can range up to 35,000 yards with 35° elevation. Arcs of fire : about 270-30(T for Turrets Nos. 1, 2, 4. No, 3 about 320-330°. 5.5 inch guns about 120-130°.

Armour and Protection Notes.—General scheme of armouring is believed to be akin to that for H.M.S. Queen Elizabeth. Protective decks are thickened in vicinity of magazines. Special protection below . waterline . is reported to be a " modified form of bulge which does not interfere with speed.

Searchlights.—Ten 30 inch, distributed as eight to foremast, two to mainmast.

Aircraft Notes.—Three planes have been or are being added to the equipment of ‘these ships.

Appearance Notes.—The outstanding feature is the colossal heptapodal foremast, with its numerous tops and bridges, for Heavy and Light Directors, Range- Finders and Searchlights. Two of its supporting legs rake forward, two aft, and one put to each beam. The central trunk is so thick, it accommodates an electric lift, running between Upper Deck and the Main Director Tower at the masthead. This mast is said to have been evolved after many experiments had been made to determine.the most rigid and vibrationless structure. It is claimed to be almost indestructible by shell-fire, but its weight, and the target offered must be enormous. The shape of the stem, which differs from that of the usual Japanese "yacht" bow, should also be noticed. . The trunked fore-funnel, as fitted 1924-25, renders the appearance of these ships still more distinctive.

General Notes.—Nagatp provided for by 1916 Programme, and laid down in dry dock at Kure D.Y. during the summer of 1917, floated put Nov. .9th, 1919. Mutsu provided for by 191 / Programme ; estimated cost is about eight million pounds lor Mutsu. Plans for this type were completed during the spring of 1916, and the Japanese claim that the design ante-dates the U.S.S. Maryland class (with same main armament) by four months. . As the first battlesnip in the world to be completed with 16 inch guns, she is said to be a most successful ship in all respects. Her design and construction certainly reflect the highest credit on her authors and builders.

4 августа 1924 г. приказом по флоту была введена в действие новая система управления огнем. Ее стали устанавливать на всех тяжелых кораблях Императорского флота, не были исключением и линкоры типа "Нагато". Для новой системы предусматривались следующее расположение постов:

1) В корпусе под броневой палубой должен был находиться центральный пост управления огнем главного калибра (ЦАП), с центральным автоматом стрельбы (ЦАС) и телефонный пост службы связи по управлению всей артиллерией.