Читать «Крутые горки XXI века: Постмодернизация и проблемы России» онлайн - страница 196

Д. Я. Травин

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St. Petersburg: EUSP Press, 2015. 294 p.

ISBN 978-5-94380-200-3

In this book, presented to a reader’s attention, the most important changes that have happened in the world during the last decades are analyzed. These changes are so significant, that using Ronald Inglehart's definition we should refer to them as postmodernization rather than modernization. Russia in the present moment gives a hostile reception to postmodernization, denies many important changes and refuses to accept many reforms that are important for the development. It also gives preference to the conservative values that dooms the country to stagnation. In general the society has a vague idea about the real process of the world development. The primary objective of the book is to demonstrate a key trend of postmodemization in the XXI century and define the problems that Russia dooms itself for by ignoring the facts and realities.

The first chapter deals with a complex of economic problems related to the globalization process. Here we talk about capital flows in the modem economy and a necessity of creating congenial investment climate to raise capital. Unfavorable investment environment was created in Russia. During the last years the situation has worsened due to implication of the country into a serious international conflict that had such negative consequences as the economic sanctions.