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Абрахам Маслоу

Maslow A. H. A theory of sexual behavior of infrahuman primates // Journal of Genetic Psychology. 1936, 48. P. 310-338.

Maslow A. H. The comparative approach to social behavior // Social Forces. 1937. 15. P. 487-490.

Maslow A. H. Dominance-feeling, behavior and status // Psychological Review. 1937. 44. P. 404-420.

Maslow A. H. Dominance-feeling, personality and social behavior in women // Journal of Social Psychology. 1939. 10. P. 3-39.

Maslow A. H. Dominance-quality and social behavior in infrahuman primates // Journal of Social Psychology. 1940. 11. Р. 313-324.

Maslow A. H. A test for dominance-feeling (self-esteem) in college women // Journal of Social Psychology. 1940. . 12. P. 255-270.

Maslow A. H. The Social Personality Inventory for College Women. Palo Alto (Calif.): Consulting Psychologists Press, 1942.

Maslow A. H. Self-esteem (dominance-feeling) and sexuality in women // Journal of Social Psychology. 1942. 16. P. 259-294.

Maslow A. H. The authoritarian character structure // Journal of Social Psychology. 1943. . 18. P. 401-411.

Maslow A. H. Resistance to acculturation // Journal of Social Issues. 1951. 7. P. 26-29.

Maslow A. H. Motivation and Personality. New York: Harper & Bros., 1954. (Rev. ed., 1970.)

Maslow A. H. Power relationships and patterns of personal development // Problems of Power in American Democracy / A. Kornhauser (ed.). Detroit (Mich.): Wayne University Press, 1957.

Maslow A. H. (ed.). New Knowledge in Human Values. New York: Harper & Row, 1959.

Maslow A. H. Comments on Skinner's attitude to science // Daedalus, 1961. 90. P. 572-573.

Maslow A. H. Eupsychia — the good society // Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 1961. 1. P. 1-11.

Maslow A. H. Some frontier problems in mental health // Personality Theory and Counseling Practice / A. Combs (ed.). Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 1961.

Maslow A. H. Toward a Psychology of Being. Princeton (N. J.): Van Nostrand, 1962. (Rev. ed., 1968.)

Maslow A. H. Lessons from the peak experiences // Journal of Humanistic Psychology. 1963. 68. P. 111-124.

Maslow A. H. The need to know and the fear of knowing // Journal of General Psychology. 1963. 68. P. 111-124.

Maslow A. H. Further notes on the Psychology of Being // Journal of Humanistic Psychology. 1963. 3. P. 120-135.

Maslow A. H. Religions, Values, and Peak-Experiences. Columbus (Ohio): Ohio State University Press, 1964; Paperback ed. New York: The Viking Press, 1970.

Maslow A. H. Further notes on the Psychology of Being // Journal of Humanistic Psychology. 1964. 4. P. 45-58. Maslow A. H. Eupsychian Management: A Journal. Homewood (III.): Irwin-Dorsey, 1965.

Maslow A. H. The Psychology of Science: A Reconnaissance. New York: Harper & Row, 1966.

Maslow A. H. Comments on Dr. Frankl's paper // Journal of Humanistic Psychology. 1966. 6. P. 107-112.

Maslow A. H., Flanzbaum S. An experimental determination of the dominance-behavior syndrome // Journal of Genetic Psychology. 1936. 48. P. 278-309.