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Роберт К. Масси

Pokrovsky, Michael N. History of Russia: From the Earliest Times to the Rise of Commercial Capitalism. Transl. and ed. by J. D. Clarkson and M. R. M. Griffiths. New York, 1931.

Putham, Peter. Seven Britons in Imperial Russia, 1698–1812. Princeton, 1952.

Raeff, Marc. Origins of the Russian Intelligentsia: The Eighteenth Century Nobility. New York, 1966.

Raeff, Mark, ed. Peter the Great: Reformer or Revolutionary? Boston, D. С., 1966.

Relation fidile de ce qui s’est passe au sujet du Jugement rendu centre le Prince Alexei, et des circonstances de sa mort. Рукопись из библиотеки Палаццо Сан-Донато во Флоренции.

Riasanоvski, Nicholas V. А History of Russia. New York, 1963.

Runciman, Steven. The Fall of Constantinople, 1453. Cambridge, 1969.

The Russian Primary Chronicle. Transl. and ed. by Samuel H. Cross and Olgerd P. Sherbowitz-Wetzor. Cambridge, Mass., 1953.

Saint-Simon, le duc de. Memoires. 6 vols. Paris, 1965.

Scheltema, M. J. Anecdotes historiques sur Pierre le Grand et sur ses voyages en Hollande et a Zaandam. Lausanne, 1842.

Schuyler, Eugene. Peter the Great. 2 vols. New York, 1884.

Shafirov, P. P. A Discourse Concerning the Just Causes of the War Between Sweden and Russia: 1700–1721. Dobbs Ferry, N. Y., 1973.

Shcherbatov, M. M., ed. Journal de Pierre le Grand depuis l’année 1698 jusqu’a la conclusion de la paix de Neustadt. Berlin, 1773.

Staehlin von Storcksburg. Original Anecdotes of Peter the Great. London, 1787.

Stoye, John. Europe Unfolding, 1648–1688. London, 1969.

Sumner, B. H. Peter the Great and the Emergence of Russia. New York, 1965.

Sumner, B. H. Peter the Great and the Ottoman Empire. Hamden, Conn., 1965.

Treasure, G. R. R. Seventeenth Century France. London, 1966.

Trevelyan, G. M. The English Revolution, 1688–89. Oxford, 1938.

Voyce, Arthur. Moscow and the Roots of Russian Culture. Norman, Оkl., 1964.

Waliszewski, Kazimierz. Peter the Great. New York, 1897.

Weber, Friedrich Christian. The Present State of Russia. 2 vols. London, 1723.

Whitworth, Charles. An Account of Russia as It Was in 1710. Strawberry Hill, 1758.

Williams, Basil. The Whig Supremacy: 1714–1760. Oxford, 1962.

Williams, Neville. Chronology of the Expanding World, 1492–1762. London, 1969.

Wilson, Francesca. Muscovy: Russia Through Foreign Eyes, 1553–1900. London, 1970.

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Wolf John, B. Louis XIV. London, 1968.

Woodward, David. The Russians at Sea: A History of the Russian Navy. New York, 1966.

Ziegler, Gilette. At the Court of Versailles: Eye-Witness Reports from the Reign of Louis XIV. New York, 1966.



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Модель русской галеры «Двина», построенной в 1721 г., хранится сегодня в Музее российского военно-морского флота в Санкт-Петербурге. Она воспроизводит судно длиной 125 футов и шириной 20 футов; на каждой из 50 его скамеек умещалось 4–5 гребцов; весло имело в длину 43,5 фута.