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Мария Илиф-Вуд

Csikszentmihalyi, M (1990) Flow. The psychology of optimal experience, Harper London

Csikszentmihalyi, M (2004) Flow, the secret to happiness, TED Ideas worth Spreading,

de Bono, E (2000) Six Thinking Hats, 2nd edn, Penguin, London

Design Council (accessed 14 July 2013)

Dilts, R В (1994) Strategies of Genius: Volume 1: Aristotle, Sherlock Holmes, Disney, Mozar, Meta Publications, Capitola, CA

European Mentoring and Coaching Council (2008) (accessed 10 April 2013) Code of Ethics,

European Mentoring and Coaching Council (2009) (accessed 10 April 2013) Competence Framework,

Flaherty, J (2005) Coaching Evoking Excellence in Other, 2nd edn, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford (there is now a 3rd edn)

George, C (2009) (accessed 14 July 2013) CIPD, The Psychological Contract: Managing and developing professional groups (Work and Organizational Psychology),

George, M L, Maxey, J, Rowlands, D T and Price, M (2005) The Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook. A quick reference guide to 70 tools for improving quality and speed, McGraw-Hill, Maidenhead

Goleman, D (2007) Social Intelligence. The new science of human relationships, Arrow Books, New York

Hall, L (2013) Mindful Coaching. How mindfulness can transform coaching practice, Kogan Page, London

Hawkins, P and Shohet, R (2012) Supervision in the Helping Professions, 4th edn, Open University Press, Maidenhead

Hawkins, P and Smith, N (2006) Coaching Mentoring and OrganizationalConsultancy: Supervision and development, Open University Press, Maidenhead (new edn now available)

Hay, J (2007) Reflective Practice and Supervision for Coaches: Coaching in practice, McGraw-Hill Open University Press, Maidenhead

Honey, P and Mumford, A (1986) The Manual of Learning Styles, Pearson, Oxford

International Coach Federation (2008) (accessed 10 April 2013) Code of Ethics,

International Coach Federation (accessed 10 April 2013) Core Competencies,

Ishikawa, К (1990) Introduction to Quality Control, ЗА Corporation, Tokyo

iSix Sigma (accessed 14 July 2013)

Kimsey-House, H, Kimsey-House, K, Sandahl, P and Whitworth, L (2011) Co-Active Coaching. Changing business and transforming Lives, 3rd edn, Nicholas Brealey, London

Kline, N (1999) Time to Think. Listening to ignite the human mind, Ward Lock, London

Kline, N (2009) More Time to Think. A way of being in the world, Fisher King, Wharfedale

Knight, S (2009) NLP at Work: Neuro Linguistic Programming: The essence of excellence, 3rd edn, Nicholas Brealey, London