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Павел Маркович Полян

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Bowman S.B. The Greeks in Auschwitz // Fromer R. The Holocaust Odyssey of Daniel Bennahmias, Sonderkommando. Tuscaloosa and London: University Press of Alabama, 1993. 184 p.

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Breitman R. Auschwitz partially decoded // Holocaust critical concepts in historical studies / Ed.: D.Cesarini. Vol. 5. Responces to the Persecution and Mass Murder of the Jews. London, New York: Routledge, 2004. P. 185–194.

Briefe aus Litzmannstadt / Hrsg. von Janusz Gumkowski, Adam Rutkowski und Arnfried Astel. Köln: F.Middelhauve, 1967. 134 S.

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Ceglowska T. Strafkompanien in KL Auschwitz // HvA. 1985. Nr. 17. S.157–203.

Cohen L. From Greece to Birkenau: the Crematoria workers’ uprising. Tel Aviv, The Salonika Jewry Research Center, 1996. 107 p.

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Dawidowicz L. S. The War against the Jews, 1933–1945. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1975. 460 S.

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Garlinski J. Fighting Auschwitz. The resistance movement in the concentration camp. London, 1975. 324 p.

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German extermination camps – Auschwitz and Birkenau. Washington, 1944. 59 p.

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