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Брет Гарт

“No. But I see that your umbrella is wet (нет, но я вижу, что ваш зонтик мокрый), and that your overcoat has drops of water on it (а на вашем пальто – капли воды).”

So absorbed was he even then, in tracking some mysterious clue, that he did not seem to notice me. But therein I was wrong – as I always was in my attempt to understand that powerful intellect.

“It is raining,” he said, without lifting his head.

“You have been out, then?” I said quickly.

“No. But I see that your umbrella is wet, and that your overcoat has drops of water on it.”

I sat aghast at his penetration (я пришел в ужас от его наблюдательности; to sit/stand aghast at smth. – застыть в ужасе от чего-л.; penetration – проникновение, проникание; проницательность). After a pause he said carelessly, as if dismissing the subject (после паузы = помолчав немного, он сказал небрежно, будто закрывая тему; to dismiss – отпускать; /юр./ прекращать дело): “Besides, I hear the rain on the window (кроме того, я слышу, как дождь /стучит/ по окну). Listen (прислушайтесь).”

I listened (я прислушался). I could scarcely credit my ears (я едва мог поверить своим ушам), but there was the soft pattering of drops on the panes (но было /слышно/, как капли мягко стучат в оконные стекла). It was evident there was no deceiving this man (несомненно, не существовало ничего /такого, что могло бы/ обмануть этого человека; evident – явный, очевидный; несомненный; to deceive – вводить в заблуждение, обманывать)!

I sat aghast at his penetration. After a pause he said carelessly, as if dismissing the subject: “Besides, I hear the rain on the window. Listen.”

I listened. I could scarcely credit my ears, but there was the soft pattering of drops on the panes. It was evident there was no deceiving this man!

“Have you been busy lately?” I asked, changing the subject (вы были заняты последнее время? – спросил я, меняя тему /разговора/). “What new problem – given up by Scotland Yard as inscrutable (какая новая загадка, признанная Скотленд-Ярдом неразрешимой; problem – вопрос, задача; сложное дело; to give up – отказаться, махнуть рукой; scrutiny – внимательное изучение, исследование) – has occupied that gigantic intellect (завладела этим колоссальным интеллектом)?”

He drew back his foot slightly (он слегка отодвинул ногу назад; to draw – тащить, волочить; перемещать, передвигать), and seemed to hesitate ere he returned it to its original position (и, казалось, /немного/ колебался, прежде чем вернуть ее в первоначальное положение). Then he answered wearily (затем он устало отвечал): “Mere trifles – nothing to speak of (сущие пустяки, не о чем говорить; mere – простой, чистый, не более чем).

“Have you been busy lately?” I asked, changing the subject. “What new problem – given up by Scotland Yard as inscrutable – has occupied that gigantic intellect?”

He drew back his foot slightly, and seemed to hesitate ere he returned it to its original position. Then he answered wearily: “Mere trifles – nothing to speak of.