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Дэвид Герберт Лоуренс

“But I’ll do that blasted Joey in (но я прикончу этого проклятого Джоуи…; to do in – /разг./ прикончить, укокошить) —” he mused, I ran down the hill, shouting also with laughter (задумчиво проговорил он, а я побежал вниз с холма, тоже задыхаясь от смеха; to muse – размышлять; задумчиво говорить; to shout – кричать; to shout with laughter – гоготать, хохотать во всё горло).

 “Poor little Elise,” he murmured.

“Was she small – petite?” I asked. He jerked up his head.

“No,” he said. “Rather tall.”

“Taller than your wife, I suppose.”

Again he looked into my eyes. And then once more he went into a loud burst of laughter that made the still, snow-deserted valley clap again.

“God, it’s a knockout!” he said, thoroughly amused. Then he stood at ease, one foot out, his hands in his breeches pocket, in front of him, his head thrown back, a handsome figure of a man.

“But I’ll do that blasted Joey in —” he mused, I ran down the hill, shouting also with laughter.