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А. В. Шитова

Toad stood on his head for a long time. But he could not think of a story to tell Frog. Then Toad poured water over his head.

“Why are you pouring water over your head?” asked Frog.

“I hope that if I pour water over my head, it will help me to think of a story,” said Toad.

Toad poured a lot of water over his head. But he could not think of a story to tell Frog. Then Toad began to bang his head against the wall.

“Why are you banging your head against the wall?” asked Frog.

“I hope that if I bang my head against the wall hard enough, it will help me to think of a story,” said Toad.

“I feel much better now, Toad,” said Frog. “I do not think I need a story anymore.”

“Then you get out of bed and now I will get into it,” said Toad, “because now I feel terrible.”

Frog said, “Would you like me to tell you a story, Toad?”

“Yes,” said Toad, “if you know one.”

“Once upon a time,” said Frog, “there were two good friends, a frog and a toad. The frog was ill. He asked his friend the toad to tell him a story. The toad could not think of a story. He walked around, but he could not think of a story. He stood on his head, but he could not think of a story. He poured water over his head, but he could not think of a story. He banged his head against the wall, but he could not think of a story. Then the toad felt terrible, and the frog felt better. So the toad went to bed and the frog got up and told him a story. The end. How was that, Toad?” said Frog.

But Toad did not answer. He was asleep.

A Lost Button

Toad and Frog went for a long walk.

They walked across a big meadow. They walked in the woods. They walked along the river. At last they went back home to Toad’s house.

“Oh, no!” said Toad. “My feet hurt, and I also lost one of the buttons on my jacket.”

“Don’t worry,” said Frog. “We will go back and find your button.”

They walked back to the big meadow. They looked for the button in the grass.

“Here is your button!” cried Frog.

“No,” said Toad, “that is not my button. That button is black. My button was white.” And Toad put the black button in his pocket.

A sparrow flew down from a tree.

“Excuse me,” said Sparrow. “Did you lose a button? I found one.”

“No,” said Toad, “that is not my button. That button has two holes. My button had four holes.” And Toad put the button with two holes in his pocket.

They went back to the woods and looked on the paths.

“Here is your button!” cried Frog.

“No,” said Toad, “that is not my button. That button is small. My button was big.” And Toad put the small button in his pocket.

A raccoon came out from behind a tree.

“Excuse me,” said Raccoon. “I heard that you lost a button. Here is the one I just found.

“No,” said Toad, “that is not my button! That button is square. My button was round.” And Toad put the square button in his pocket.

Frog and Toad went back to the river. They looked for the button in the mud.

“Here is your button!” cried Frog.

“No,” said Toad, “that is not my button! That button is thin. My button was thick.

And Toad put the thin button in his pocket. He was very angry. He jumped up and down.