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Аркадий Львович Верткин

Anderson P.H., O’Loughlin P.D., May B.K., Morris H.A. Modulation of CYP27B1 and CYP24 mRNA expression in bone is independent of circulating 1,25(OH)2D3 levels. Bone 2005, 36, 654–662.

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Black D.M., Schwartz A.V., Ensrud K.E., Cauley J.A., Levis S., Quandt S.A., Satterfield S., Wallace R.B., Bauer D.C., Palermo L., Wehren L.E., Lombardi A., Santora A.C., Cummings S.R., FLEX Research Group. Effects of continuing or stopping alendronate after 5 years of treatment: the Fracture Intervention Trial Long-term Extension (FLEX): a randomized trial. JAMA. 2006 Dec 27. 296(24): 2927–38.

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Cryer B., Miller P., Petruschke R.A., Chen E., Geba G.P., Papp A.E. Upper gastrointestinal tolerability of once weekly alendronate 70 mg with concomitant non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug use. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2005. Mar 1. 21(5): 599–607.