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Джеральд Хокинс

Thorn, Alexander, Megalithic Sites in Britain, Oxford Univ. Press, 1967.

Thompson, Edward, People of the Serpent, Houghton Mifflin, 1932.

Velikovsky, Immanuel, Worlds in Collision, Macmillan, 1950.

Вольтер, Орлеанская девственница. Магомет. Философские повести, М., 1971.

Клейст, Г., Драмы. Новеллы, М., 1969.

Webb, John, Vindication of Stone-Heng Restored, reprinted by D. Browne, Jr., 1725.

Уэллс Г., Собр. соч., M., 1964.

Wilder, Thornton, Bridge of San Luis Rey, Albert and Charles Boni, 1928.

Williams, Jay, Uniad, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1968.

Список литературы к приложению

Aaboe, A., On period Relations in Babylonian Astronomy, Centaurus, 10, 213–231 (1964); также: Vistas in Astronomy, ed. by A. Beer, 9, Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1967.

Atkinson, R. J. C, Stonehenge, London, Pelican books, 1960.

British Museum, British Museum Natural Radiocarbon Measurements II. BM-46. Stonehenge. Wiltshire, American Journal of Science Radiocarbon Supplement, 2, p. 27 (1960).

Dow, 1., Astronomical Orientation at Teotihuacan, Paper read at Society for American Archaeology, Urbana, 111., May 8, 1965.

Хокинс Дж., Разгадка Стоунхенджа, в кн.: Хокинс Дж., Уайт Дж., Разгадка тайны Стоунхенджа, М., 1973, стр. 214–220.

Хокинс Дж., Стоунхендж – вычислительная машина каменного века, в кн.: Хокинс Дж., Уайт Дж., Разгадка тайны Стоунхенджа, М., 1973, стр. 221–231.

Hawkins, G. S., Sun, Moon, Men, and Stones, American Scientist, 53, 391–408 (1965a).

Хокинс Дж., Калленшп – шотландский Стоунхендж, в кн.: Хокинс Дж., Уайт Дж., Разгадка тайны Стоунхенджа, М., 1973, стр. 232–242.

Hawkins, G. S. and Rosenthal, S., 5000-Year Star Catalog, Smithsonian Contr. Astrophysics (1967).

Hoyle, F., Stonehenge – An Eclipse Predictor, Nature, 211, 454–456 (1966).

Lockyer, J. N., Penrose, F. C, An Attempt to Ascertain the Date of the Original Construction of Stonehenge from Its Orientation, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 69, 137–147 (1901).

Lockyer, J. N., An Attempt to Ascertain the Date of the Original Construction of Stonehenge from Its Orientation, Nature, 65. 55–57 (1901).

Lockyer, I. N., The Farmers' Years, Nature, 65, 248–249 (1902).

Lockyer, J. N., Notes on Stonehenge, Nature, 71, 297–300, 345–348, 367–368, 391–393, 535–538; 73, 153–155 (1905).

Lockyer, J. N., Some Questions for Archaeologists, Nature, 73, 280–282 (1906).

Lockyer, J. N., Notes on Some Cornish Circles, Nature, 73, 366–368, 561–563 (1906).

Lockyer, 1. N., Dawn of Astronomy, reprint, Cambridge, M. I. T. Press, 1965.

Marshack, A., Lunar Notation on Upper Paleolithic Remains, Science, 146, 743–745 (1964).

Newall, R. S., Stonehenge, Official Guide-Book, London, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1959.

Neugebauer, O., Notes on Ethiopie Astronomy, Orientalia, 33, 49–71 (1964).

Roy, A. E., McGrail, N., and Carmichael, R., A. New Survey of the Tormore Circles, Transactions of the Glasgow Archaeological Society, New Series, 15, Pt. 2, 59–67 (1963).

Spence. M., Standing Stone» and Maeshowe oi Stenness Carluke T Spence. 18'И