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Марк Вайсблут

Chokroverty, S. (1980). Phasic tongue movements in human rapid-eye-movement sleep. Neurology, 30, 665–668.

Felman, A. H., Loughlin, G. M., Leftridge, C. A., and Cassisi, N. J. (1979). Upper airway obstruction during sleep in children. American Journal of Respiration, 133, 213–216.

Haponik, E. F., Smith, P. L., Bohlman, M. E., Allen, R. P., Goldman, S. M., and Bleecker, E. R. (1983). Computerized tomography in obstructive sleep apnea: Correlation of airway size with physiology during sleep and wakefulness. American Review of Respiratory Diseases, 127, 221–226.

Remmers, J. E., deGroot, W. J., Sauerland, E. K., and Anch, A. M. (1978). Pathogenesis of upper airway occlusive during sleep. Journal of Applied Physiology: Respiration, Environment, Exercise and Physiology, 44, 931–938.

Wilkinson, A. R., McCormick, M. S., Freeland, A. P., and Pickering, D. (1981). Electrocardiographic signs of pulmonary hypertension in children who snore. British Medical Journal, 282, 1579–1581.

Поиск ответов

McGeary, G. D. (1981). Help a snorer. Journal of the American Medical Association, 245, 1729.

Simmons, F. B., Guilleminault, C., Dement, W. C., and Tilkian, A. G. (1977). Surgical management of airway obstruction during sleep. Laryngoscope, 87, 326–338.

Результаты лечения

Guilleminault, C., Winkle, R., Korobkin, R., and Simmons, B. (1982). Children and nocturnal snoring: Evaluation of the effects of sleep-related respiratory resistive load and daytime functioning. European Journal of Pediatrics, 139, 165–171.

Гиперактивное поведение

Busby, K., Firestone, P., and Pivik, R. T. (1981). Sleep patterns in hyperkinetic and normal children. Sleep, 4, 366–384.

Conners, C. K. (1974). Rating scale for use in drug studies with children. Psychopharmacology Bulletin, 10, (Special Issue), 24.

Greenhill, L., Puig-Antich, J., Goetz, R., Hanlon, C., and Davies, M. (1983). Sleep architecture and REM sleep measures in pre-pubertal children with attention deficit disorder with hyper-activity. Sleep, 6, 91–101.

Porrino, L. J., Rapoport, J. L., Behar, D., Sceery, W., Ismond, D. R., and Bunney, W. E. (1983). A naturalistic assessment of the motor activity of hyperactive boys. Archives of General Psychiatry, 40, 681–687.

Simonds, J. F., and Parraga, H. (1984). Sleep behaviours and disorders in children and adolescents evaluated at psychiatric clinics. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 5, 6–10.

Weissbluth, M. (1984). Sleep duration, temperament, and Conners’ ratings of 3-year-old children. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 5, 120–123.

Weissbluth, M., and Liu, K. (1983). Sleep patterns, attention span, and infant temperament. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 4, 34–36.

Сезонное аффективное расстройство

Carskadon, M. A., and Acebo, C. (1993). Parental reports of seasonal mood and behaviour changes in children. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 32, 264–269.