Читать «Английский разговорный язык. Практическое пособие по развитию устной речи» онлайн - страница 3

Виктор Александрович Миловидов

Exercise 1

Answer the questions:

1. Who consumes milk within the feudalism economic system?

2. How much milk would you get under pure socialism?

3. What would happen to your cows if they were cared for by ex-chicken farmers?

4. What happens to cow-owners under dictatorship?

5. Who tells you who you should give the milk to within representative democracy?

6. What is «Cowgate»?

7. What happens to cows if they are fed by sheep\'s brain?

8. How much is the fair price under anarchy?

9. What will happen to your cow after you have bought a bull?

10. What does Feng Shui have to do with breeding of cows?

11. What might happen to a cow in case you do not milk it?

12. Which of the two feminist cows is going to be the calf\'s Dad?

13. Where would the European Union get the money to subsidise European cows?

14. What is the difference between Eastern and Western European democracies, from the cow\'s point of view?

15. Which one of all the cows spoken here of might be the happiest?