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Для книг, статей и других источников, имеющих электронные версии, указаны адреса сайтов. Они могут меняться, поэтому следите за списком обновлений на сайте этой книги http://www.unpbook.com.

1. Albitz, P. and Liu, С. 2001. DNS and Bind, Fourth Edition. O'Reilly & Associates, Sebastopol, CA.

2. Allman, M., Floyd, S., and Partridge, C. 2002. "Increasing TCP's Initial Window," RFC 3390.

3. Allman, M., Ostermann, S., and Metz, C. W. 1998. "FTP Extensions for IPv6 and NATs," RFC 2428.

4. Allman, M., Paxson, V., and Stevens, W. R. 1999. "TCP Congestion Control," RFC 2581.

5. Almquist, P. 1992. "Type of Service in the Internet Protocol Suite," RFC 1349 (obsoleted by RFC 2474).

Обсуждается использование поля тип сервиса в заголовке IPv4.

6. Baker, F. 1995. "Requirements for IP Version 4 Routers," RFC 1812.

7. Borman, D. A. 1997a. "Re: Frequency of RST Terminated Connections," end2end-interest mailing list (http://www.unpbook.com/borman.97jan30.txt).

8. Borman, D. A. 1997b. "Re: SYN/RST cookies," tcp-impl mailing list (http://www.unpbook.com/borman.97jun06.txt).

9. Borman, D. A., Deering, S. E., and Hinden, R. 1999. "IPv6 Jumbograms," RFC 2675.

10. Braden, R. T. 1989. "Requirements for Internet Hosts —Communication Layers," RFC 1122.

Первая часть Host Requirements RFC: канальный уровень, IPv4, ICMPv4, IGMPv4, ARP, TCP и UDP.

11. Braden, R. T. 1992. "TIME-WAIT Assassination Hazards in TCP," RFC 1337.

12. Braden, R. T., Borman, D. A., and Partridge, C. 1988. "Computing the Internet checksum," RFC 1071.

13. Bradner, S. 1996. "The Internet Standards Process - Revision 3," RFC 2026.

14. Bush, R. 2001. "Delegation of IP6.ARPA," RFC 3152.

15. Butenhof, D. R. 1997. Programming with POSIX Threads. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA.

16. Cain, В., Deering, S. E., Kouvelas, I., Fenner, В., and Thyagarajan, A. 2002. "Internet Group Management Protocol, Version 3," RFC 3376.

17. Carpenter, B. and Moore, K. 2001. "Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds," RFC 3056.

18. CERT, 1996a. "UDP Port Denial-of-Service Attack," Advisory CA-96.01, Computer Emergency Response Team, Pittsburgh, PA.

19. CERT, 1996b. "TCP SYN Flooding and IP Spoofing Attacks," Advisory CA-96.21, Computer Emergency Response Team, Pittsburgh, PA.

20. Cheswick, W. R., Bellovin, S. M., and Rubin, A. D. 2003. Firewalls and Internet Security: Repelling the Wily Hacker, Second Edition. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA.

21. Conta, A. and Deering, S. E. 1998. "Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMPv6) for the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Specification," RFC 2463.

22. Conta, A. and Deering, S. E. 2001. "Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMPv6) for the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Specification," draft-ietf-ipngwg-icmp-v3-02.txt (Internet Draft).

23. Crawford, M. 1998a. "Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Ethernet Networks," RFC 2464.