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Вадим Петрович Руднев

Carnap R. The Logical syntax of language. L., 1936.

Crow Т. Is schizophrenia the price that Homo sapiens pays for language? // Schizophrenia Research, 28, 1997.

Derrida J. La carte postale. De Socrates a Freud et au-dela. P., 1980.

Dolezel L. Narrative worlds // Sound, sign and meaning. Ann Arbor, 1979.

Drury M. Conversations with Wittgenstein // Ludwig Wittgenstein: Personal recollections. Ox., 1981.

Dunne J. W. The Serial universe. L., 1930.

Feierabend P. Against method. L. 1975.

Freud S. Inhibitions, symptom and enxiety // Freud S. On Psychopathology. N-Y., 1981.

Freud S. Neurosis and psychosis // Freud S. On psychopathology. N-Y., 1981b.

Freud S. Psychoanalytic notes on an autobiographical account of a case of paranoia (dementia paranoides) // Freud S. Case Histories. II. N-Y, 1981c.

Freud S. The Loss of reality in neurosis and psychosis // Freud S. On psychopathology N-Y., 1981.

Fromm E. The Forgotten language. N-Y., 1956.

Gödel K. Über formal unentscheidbare Sätze der Principia Mathematica und verwandter Systeme 1 // Monatsschrifte für Mathematik und Physik. № 38, 1931.

Hintikka J. Knowledge and belief. Dordreht, 1960

Janik A., Toulmen S. Wittgenstein’s Wienna. L., 1973.

Kohut H. The Analysis of Self: A Systematic approach to the psychoanalytic treatment of narcissistic personality disorders. N-Y, 1971.

Kripke S. Naming and necessity. Cambr. (Mass), 1980.

Lacan J. Ecrits. P., 1956.

Lacan J. Le seminaire de Jaques Lacan. Livre viii. Le Transfert. 1960 – 1961. Paris, 1991.

Laughlin H. P. The Ego and its defences. N-Y, 1979.

Lewis D. Philosophical papers. V. 1. Ox., 1983.

Malcolm N. Nothing is hidden. Ox., 1986.

McGuinnes B. Wittgenstein: A Life. Ox., 1989.

McTaggart J. Selected writings. L., 1968.

Meinong A. Untersuchungen zur Gegenstandtheorie und Psychologie. B., 1904.

Mindell A. Coma: Key to awakening. L., 1989.

Monk R. Wittgenstein. L., 1991.

Moore J. E. Philosophical Papers. L., 1959.

Mounce H. Wittgenstein’s Tractatus: An Introduction. Chicago, 1981.

Prior A. N. Past, present and future. Ox., 1967.

Prior A. N. Time and modality. Ox., 1960.

Putnam H. Dreaming and depth grammar // Putnam H. Philosophical papers. V. 2. Cambr., 1975.

Quine W. V. O. From a logical point of view. Cambr. (Mass.), 1953.

Quine W. V. O. Word and object. Cambr. (Mass.), 1960.

Rank O. Das Trauma der Geburt und seine Bedeutung für Psychoanalyse. Leipzig, 1929.

Reichenbach H. Elements of symbolic logic. N-Y, 1948.

Ross A. Imperatives and logic // Theoria. № 7, 1941.

Ross J. R On declarative sentences // Readings in English transformational grammar. Waltham (Mass.), 1970.

Roudinesco E. Jacques Lacan: Esquisse d’un systeme de pensee. Paris, 1992.

Rowan]. Subpersonalities: The People inside us. L., N-Y, 1991.

Russell B. An Inquiry into meaning and truth. L., 1980.

Russell B. Logic and knowledge. L., 1965.

Ryle G. The concept of mind. L., 1949.

Searle J. R. Speech acts: Essay in philosophy of language. Cambr. (Mass.), 1969.

Simmel G. The Pholosophy of money. L., 1971.

Stenius E. Wittgenstein’s Tractatus: A Critical expositions of its main lines of thought. Ox., 1960.