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Анатолий Тимофеевич Фоменко

[1098] «Deila origine et ruccessi degli Slavi, oratione di M.V. Pribevo, Dalmatino da Lesena, etc. et hora tradotta della lingua Latina nell'Italiana da Bellisario Malaspalli, da Spalato». — Venetia, 1595.

[1107] Douais C. «L'Inguisition, sus origenes, sa procedure». — Paris, 1906.

[1117] Eichler Anja-Franziska. «Albrecht Dürer. 1471–1528». — Könemann Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Cologne, 1999, Germany.

[1167:1] «Guide to Edo-Tokyo Museum» (English edition). — Edited by Edo-Tokyo Museum. Japan Broadcast Publishing Co., Ltd. Printed by Toppan Printing Co., Ltd. Printed in Japan.

[1172] «Haack Geographisch-Kartographischer Kalendar». 1983. Издан в Германии, издательство Haack Gotha. VEB Hermann Haack Geographisch-Kartographische Anstalt Gotha.

[1177] Harley J.B. and Woodward David. «The History of Cartography. Volume 1. Cartography in Prehistoric, Ancient and Medieval Europe and the Mediterranean». — The University of Chicago Press. Chicago & London. 1987.

[1231] «Krönungen Könige in Aachen. Geschichte und Mythos». Vom 12. Juni bis 3. Oktober 2000 in Rathaus, Domschatzkammer und Dom, Aachen. (Annette Fusenig M.A. und Barbara Jacobs M.A.). From 12th of June to 3rd October 2000 in Town Hall, Cathedral Treasury and Cathedral, Aachen. Kurzfürer zur Ausstellung. Guide to the exhibition. — Printed in Germany by Verein Aachener Krönungsgeschichte e.V.

[1234] Kurth Willi. «The Complete Woodcuts of Albrecht Dürer». With the introduction by Campbell Dodgson, M.A., C.B.E. — Dover Publications, Inc. New York, USA, 1963.

[1237] Laclotte Michel (Director, Muse'e du Louvre). «Treasures of the Louvre». — Abbeville Press Publishers. New York, London, Paris, 1993.

[1255] Longhi Roberto. «Caravaggio». — Die Italienische Malerei. VEB Verlag der Kunst Dresden. 1968 by Editori Riuniti Rom, und VEB Verlag der Kunst Dresden.

[1258] «Lucas Cranach d.Ä.» — Herausgegeben von Heinz Lüdecke. Welt der Kunst. Henschelvarlag Kunst und Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1972.

[1259] Magi Giovanna, Valdes Giuliano. «All of Turkey». — Casa Editrice Bonechi, Firenze, Italy, 1990.

[1264] Marco Polo. «The Travels of Marco Polo». The Complete Yule-Cordier Edition. With a Total of 198 Illustrations and 32 Maps and Site Plans. Three Volumes Bound as Two. Vols. 1, 2. Including the unabridged third edition (1903) of Henry Yule's annotated translation, as revised by Henry Cordier; together with Cordier's later volume of notes and addenda (1920). — Dover Publications, Inc. New York, 1993.

[1266] «Martin Behaim's 1492 „Erdapfel“». A paper version of our earliest surviving terrestrial Globe. First made in Nuremberg in 1492. Follow Marco Polo and the quest for spice on this unique medieval relic. — Greaves & Thomas, London, England. Registred Design & Patents Pending. Artwork & Globe Gores, 1997. (A selection of facsimile globes from the Greaves & Thomas collection. Spanning cartographic history from 1492 to the present day).