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Брайан М. Фаган

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Neg./Transparency no. 4936 (7). Photo by D. Finnin/C. Chesek. Courtesy Dept. of Library Services, AmericanMuseum of Natural History: frontispiece; Yannis Behrakis/Reuters/Corbis/Bettmann; Brian M. Fagan; Steve Sartori/Syracuse University/Christopher R. DeCorse.

Глава 2. Louis Delaporte «Voyage Au Cambodge» 1880; Copyright Werner Forman/Art Resource, NY; Adam Woolfitt/Robert Harding World Imagery; Courtesy of the Library of Congress; Courtesy of the Royal Anthropological Institute. Redrawn from «The Swanscombe Skull: A Survey of Research on Pleistocene Site» (Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 20, fig. 23.6); Corbis/Bettmann; J. Oster/ Musee de l’Homme, Phototheque.

Глава 3. John Reader/Science Photo Library/Photo Researchers, Inc.; The Ohio Historical Society; Marija Gimbutas, «The Civilization of the Goddess» (San Francisco: Harper, 1991); from Catal Huyuk: A Neolithic Town in Anatolia by James Mellaart (Thames and Hudson, 1967).

Глава 5. George Holton/Photo Researchers, Inc.

Глава 7. C. Bowman/Robert Harding World Imagery; Gordon Gahan/NGS Image Collection; Georg Gerster/Photo Researchers, Inc.

Глава 11. Photo by Tyler Dingee. Courtesy of the Museum of New Mexico, Neg. No. 44191; Michael S. Bisson; Chang, K.C. The Archaeology of Ancient China, 3rd Edition (1977), page 277. Yale University Press. From Shih Chang-ju, Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinjca, Nanking, Lichuang, and Taiei, 26, 1955, pp. 113, 117; Courtesy ofthe University ofAlaska Museum, Archaeology Department. Used with permission; Courtesy of the Library of Congress.

Глава 12. San Heritage Centre/Rock Art Research Centre/University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg Tortoll/The Ancient Art & Architecture Collection Ltd.; Marilyn Bridges/Corbis/Bettmann.

Глава 15. Amanda Clarke; Consulate General of Ireland; The Ancient Art & Architecture Collection Ltd.; Neg./Transparency no. 326597. Courtesy Dept. of Library Services, American Museum of Natural History; Martha Cooper/NGS Image Collection; Boltin Picture Library; Leslie Newhart; Brian M. Fagan.

Глава 16. R. Sheridan/The Ancient Art & Architecture Collection Ltd.; O. Louis Mazzatenta/NGS Image Collection; Corbis Sygma; Ewing Galloway, Inc.; Embassy of Pakistan; Robert Frerck/Odyssey Productions, Inc.; Gordan Gahan/National Geographic Image Collection; Theya Molleson, Natural History Museum of London; Brian M. Fagan; South Carolina Institute ofArchaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina, Columbia; Courtesy of the Institute of Nautical Archaeology, Texas A&M University/Photo by Don A. Frey.

Глава 19. British Tourist Authority.


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