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McCracken, K. G. 2000. The 20-cm spiny penis of the Argentine lake duck (Oxyura vittata). The Auk 820–825.


McCracken, K. G., Wilson, R. E., McCracken, P. J. & Johnson, K. P. 2001. Are ducks impressed by drakes' display? Nature 413, 128.


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Naish, D. 2009. Dinosaurs come out to play (so do turtles, and crocodilians, and Komodo dragons). Tetrapod Zoology ver 2


Lambe, L. M. 1917. The Cretaceous theropodous dinosaur Gorgosaurus. Memoirs of the Geological Society of Canada 100, 1-84.


Naish, D. 2008. Sleep behaviour and sleep postures. Tetrapod Zoology ver 2


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Bailey, J. B. 1997. Neural spine elongation in dinosaurs: sailbacks or buffalo-backs? Journal of Paleontology 71, 1124–1146.


Naish, D. 2010. Concavenator: an incredible allosauroid with a weird sail (or hump)… and proto-feathers? Tetrapod Zoology ver 2


Paul, G. S. 1987. The science and art of restoring the life appearance of dinosaurs and their relatives-a rigorous how-to guide. В книге Czerkas, S. J. & Olson, E. C. (eds) Dinosaurs Past and Present Vol. II. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County/University of Washington Press (Seattle and London), pp. 4-49.


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Varricchio, David J.; Martin, Anthony J.; and Katsura, Yoshihiro (2007). "First trace and body fossil evidence of a burrowing, denning dinosaur". Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274 (1616): 1361-8


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