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Шарлотта Бронте

Chapter LII

The tardy gig had overtaken me at last. I entered it, and bade the man who brought it drive to Grassdale Manor – I was too busy with my own thoughts to care to drive it myself. I would see Mrs. Huntingdon – there could be no impropriety in that now that her husband had been dead above a year – and by her indifference or her joy at my unexpected arrival I could soon tell whether her heart was truly mine. But my companion, a loquacious, forward fellow, was not disposed to leave me to the indulgence of my private cogitations.

‘There they go!’ said he, as the carriages filed away before us. ‘There’ll be brave doings on yonder [232] to-day, as what come to-morra. – Know anything of that family, sir? or you’re a stranger in these parts?’

‘I know them by report.’

‘Humph! There’s the best of ’em gone, anyhow. And I suppose the old missis is agoing to leave after this stir’s gotten overed [233] , and take herself off, somewhere, to live on her bit of a jointure; and the young ’un [234]  – at least the new ’un (she’s none so very young) – is coming down to live at the Grove.’