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Роберт Льюис Стивенсон

alarms [q`lRmz] seafaring [`sJfeqrIN] enough [I`nAf] wage [weIG] stare [steq]

1. For me, at least, there was no secret about the matter; for I was, in a way, a sharer in his alarms. He had taken me aside one day, and promised me a silver fourpenny on the first of every month if I would only keep my 'weather- eye open for a seafaring man with one leg, and let him know the moment he appeared. Often enough, when the first of the month came round, and I applied to him for my wage, he would only blow through his nose at me, and stare me down; but before the week was out he was sure to think better of it, bring me my fourpenny piece, and repeat his orders to look out for 'the seafaring man with one leg.

1. How that personage haunted my dreams (как эта персона преследовала мои сны = часто снилась мне; to haunt — часто заезжать проведать, навещать; неотступно преследовать; мучить; не давать покоя /о мыслях и т. п./), I need scarcely tell you (мне нужно едва ли рассказывать вам). On stormy nights (бурными ночами), when the wind shook the four corners of the house (когда ветер сотрясал четыре угла дома = весь дом), and the surf roared along the cove and up the cliffs (и прибой ревел в бухте и в утесах: «вдоль бухты и вверх по утесам»), I would see him in a thousand forms (я видел его /во сне/ в тысяче образов), and with a thousand diabolical expressions (с тысячью дьявольских выражений = обликов). Now the leg would be cut off at the knee (то нога была отрезана по колено), now at the hip (то по бедро; now… now… — то… то…); now he was a monstrous kind of a creature (то он был чудовищным видом существа) who had never had but the one leg (которое никогда не имело /ничего/, кроме одной ноги), and that in the middle of his body (/да/ и ту в середине тела). To see him leap and run and pursue me (видеть его = как он прыгал и бежал, и преследовал меня) over hedge and ditch (не разбирая дороги: «через изгородь и канаву») was the worst of nightmares (было худшим из ночных кошмаров). And altogether I paid pretty dear for my monthly fourpenny piece (в общем, я платил довольно дорого за месячную четырехпенсовую монету), in the shape of these abominable fancies (в виде этих отвратительных фантазий).

personage [`pq: sqnIG] haunted [`hLntId] knee [nJ] hedge [heG] nightmares [`naItmeq]

1. How that personage haunted my dreams, I need scarcely tell you. On stormy nights, when the wind shook the four corners of the house, and the surf roared along the cove and up the cliffs, I would see him in a thousand forms, and with a thousand diabolical expressions. Now the leg would be cut off at the knee, now at the hip; now he was a monstrous kind of a creature who had never had but the one leg, and that in the middle of his body. To see him leap and run and pursue me over hedge and ditch was the worst of nightmares. And altogether I paid pretty dear for my monthly fourpenny piece, in the shape of these abominable fancies.