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Евгения Александровна Блискавка

19. FDIC, 2007: А Longitudinal Evaluation of the Intermediate-term Impact of the «Money Smart» Financial Education Curriculum upon Consumers’ Behavior and Confidence; Mandell, Lewis, 2008: Jump$tartFinancialLiteracySurveysof High School Seniors, 1997–2008, http://www.jumpstart.org; Varcoe, K., A. Martin, Z. Devitto, and C. Go, 2005: Using a Financial Education Curriculum for

Teens, Financial Counseling and Planning 16 (1); National Council of Economic Education, 2007: Financial Fitness for Life; Lopez-Fernandini, A., and K. Murrell, 2008: New America Foundation New America Foundation & Citi Foundation, http://www.newamerica.net/publications/policy/

20. Willis, Lauren E., 2008: Against Financial-Literacy Education, Iowa Law Review, Issue 94 (1), http://papers.ssrn.com/abstract= 1105384; Cole, Shawn and Gauri Kartini Shastry, 2007: If You Are So Smart, Why Aren’t You Rich? The Effects of Education, Financial Literacy, and Cognitive Ability on Financial Market Participation; Mundy, Shaun, 2008: Financial Education in Schools: Analysis of Selected Current Programmes and Literature – Draft Recommendations for Good Practices, published in proceedings of OECD-US Treasury International Conference on Financial Education, Washington DC; Lopez-Fernandini, A., Karen Murrell, 2008: New America Foundation New America Foundation & Citi Foundation.

21. Polak, Marcin, 2009: www.thinkpoint.pl; Financial education programs in Poland, www.kroeneberg.org.pl (Программы финансового образования в Польше).

22. Fits fur Geld, 2006: Driving License for Finance, Evaluation Report, Internal document.

23. OECD, 2006: The importance of Financial Education.

24. Danes, S. and H. Haberman, 2007: Teen Financial Knowledge, Self-Efficacy, and Behavior: A Gendered View, Financial Counseling and Planning 18.

25. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Improving Financial Literacy: Analysis of Issues and Policies, November 2005 (ОЭСР, Повышение финансовой грамотности, анализ проблем и политики).

26. Financial Capability in the UK: Delivering Change.

27. http://www.mymoney.gov/

28. http://www.consumerfinance.gov/the-bureau/

29. http://www.financial-education.org

30. Financial literacy: Women understanding money (Commonwealth of Australia), 2008.

31. http://www.dolceta.eu/malta/

32. http://www.fsa.gov.uk/Pages/About/Who/index.shtml

33. Survey of financial literacy schemes in the eu27.

34. National Endowment For Financial Education. Young Adults’ Finances Poll.

35. Financial Education Clearinghouse.

36. http://www.bankers.asn.au/About-ABA/default.aspx

37. Financing your farm: a practical guide to financial growth / [Alan Blackburn, Rod Ashby], [Sydney]: Australian Bankers’ Association, 2006.

38. http://www.childrensfinancialnetwork.com/

40. http://www.independentmeans.com/