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Григорий Петрович Климов

128. Lipper, Elinor — "Elf Jahre in sowjetischen Gefangnissen und Largern", Zurich, 1950, (3).

129. Litvinov, Maxim — "Notes for a Journal", Introduction by Prof. E. H. Carr and General Walter Bedell Smith, former American Ambassador in Moscow and later Director of U. S. Central Intelligence Agency CIA, New York, 1954, (—3). Здесь “автор” Литвинов (в действительности это б. сов. дипломат-еврей Г. 3. Беседовский) утверждает, что жена Сталина Надежда Аллилуева была лесбиянкой и весело лесбиянила с лесбо-еврейкой Зоей Мосиной (стр. 169-70). Под этим подписывается начальник американской разведки.

130. Lombroso, Prof. Cesare — "Crime, its Causes and Remedies", New York, 1918, (5).

131. Lombroso, Prof. Cesare — "The Face of Anarchist", (5).

132. Lombroso, Prof. Cesare — "Political Crimes & Criminals", (5).

133. Lyons, Eugene Natanovich — "Our Secret Allies — The Peoples of Russia", New York, 1953, (3+).

134. MacKenzie, Norman — "Secret Societies", N. Y., 1968, (3+).

135. Maler, Juan — "Die sieben Saeulen der Hoelle", Freimaurerei, Buenos Aires, 1974, (4).

136. Mannix, Daniel - "Those About to Die", Sadism and Decadance in Rome, New York, 1959, (5).

137. Mannix, Daniel — "The Hell Fire Club", The Secret Society of Sex Perverts, New York, 1959, (4+).

138. Mannix, Daniel — "The Beast", The Degenerate Life of Aleister Crowley, the High Priest of Satanism, New York, 1959, (4+).

139. Marschalko, Louis — "The World Conquerors", Jews & Communists, London ,1958, (3+).

140. Masters R. E. L. - "Eros and Evil", The Sexual Psychopathology of Witchcraft, New York, 1962, (4).

141. Masters R. E. L. — "Perverse Crimes in History", New York, 1963, (3).

142. Masters R. E. L. — "The Homosexual Revolution", New York, 1962, (4+).

143. Mather, John S., ed. — "The Great Spy Scandal", Inside Story of Burgess and Maclean, London, (4).

144. Michelet, Jules — "Satanism and Witchcraft", New York, 1939, (3).

145. Mullins, Eustace — "New History of the Jews", USA, 1968, (3+).

146. Mullins, Eustace — "The Biological Jew", USA, 1968, (3+).

147. Murphy, Gardner, Ph. D., ed. — "An Outline of Abnormal Psychology", New York, 1954, (3).

148. O'Donnel, Bernard — "The World's Worst Women", Criminal Women, London, (3).

149. O'Donnel, Bernard - "Should Women Hang?", Women & Crime, London, 1956, (3).

150. O'Hara, Noel — "The Last Virgin", Lesbianism, New York, 1959, (4+).

151. O'Grady, Olivia — "The Beasts of the Apocalypse", Jews in History, California, 1959, (+5+).

152. Orlov, Alexander (Lev Lazarevich Feldbin) — "The Secret History of Stalin's Crimes", London, 1954, (3+).

153. Ostrovsky, Victor, ex Mossad agent – “By Way of Deception”, St. Martin Press, New York, 1990, (4).

154. Papini, Giovanni — "The Devil", New York, 1954, (3).

155. Peak, Marvyn — "Witchcraft in England", N. Y., 1947, (3).

156. Pearl, Jack — "The Dangerous Assassins", The Psychology of Asisassins, New York, 1964, (4).

157. Page, Knightly and Leitch — "The Philby Conspiracy", Espionage, New York, 1968, (3).

158. Pendell E., Ph. D. — "Sex Versus Civilization", The Noontide Press, Los Angeles, 1967, (3).