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Роберт Льюис Стивенсон

sinewy [`sInjHI] tattooed [tq`tHd] executed [`eksIkjHt] gallows [`gxlqs] blood [blAd]

When I got back with the basin, the doctor had already ripped up the captain’s sleeve, and exposed his great sinewy arm. It was tattooed in several places. “Here’s luck,” “A fair wind,” and “Billy Bones his fancy,” were very neatly and clearly executed on the forearm; and up near the shoulder there was a sketch of a gallows and a man hanging from it — done, as I thought, with great spirit.

“Prophetic,” said the doctor, touching this picture with his finger. “And now, Master Billy Bones, if that be your name, we’ll have a look at the colour of your blood. Jim,” he said, “are you afraid of blood?”

“No, sir,” said I.

“Well, then,” said he, “you hold the basin (держи таз);” and with that he took his lancet and opened a vein (с этим = сказав так, он взял ланцет и вскрыл вену).

A great deal of blood was taken (значительное количество крови было взято = вытекло) before the captain opened his eyes and looked mistily about him (прежде чем капитан посмотрел туманно вокруг себя = огляделся мутным взглядом; mist — /легкий/ туман; дымка; мгла; туман перед глазами). First he recognised the doctor with an unmistakable frown (сначала он узнал доктора с явным: «безошибочным» хмурым взглядом); then his glance fell upon me (затем его взгляд упал на меня), and he looked relieved (и он выглядел облегченным = как будто успокоился; to relieve — облегчать). But suddenly his colour changed (но внезапно его цвет /лица/ изменился), and he tried to raise himself, crying (попытался поднять себя = встать, крича): —

“Where’s Black Dog (где Черный Пес)?”

lancet [`lRnsIt] recognised [`rekqgnaIzd] relieved [rI`lJvd] frown [fraun] raise [reIz]

“No, sir,” said I.

“Well, then,” said he, “you hold the basin;” and with that he took his lancet and opened a vein.

A great deal of blood was taken before the captain opened his eyes and looked mistily about him. First he recognised the doctor with an unmistakable frown; then his glance fell upon me, and he looked relieved. But suddenly his colour changed, and he tried to raise himself, crying: —

“Where’s Black Dog?”

“There is no Black Dog here (здесь нет Черного Пса),” said the doctor, “except what you have on your own back (кроме /того/, который грызет вас изнутри: «на вашей собственной спине»; to have a black dog on one’s back — иметь черного пса на спине — старинное выражение для обозначения тревоги, отчаяния и т.п.). You have been drinking rum (вы пили /слишком много/ рому); you have had a stroke (вас хватил удар: «вы имели = получили» удар), precisely as I told you (точно как я вам говорил); and I have just, very much against my own will (и я только что, очень сильно против моей воли = безо всякой охоты), dragged you head-foremost out of the grave (вытащил вас неосмотрительно/головой вперед (игра слов) из могилы). Now, Mr Bones — ”