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Вадим Геннадьевич Грибунин

18. Benham D., Memon N., Yeo B.-L., Yeung M. Fast watermarking of DCT-based compressed images // Proc. of the International Conference on Image Science, Systems and Technology. 1997. P. 243–252.

19. Podilchuk C., Zeng W. Perceptual watermarking of still images // Electronic Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing. 1997.

20. Hsu C.-T., Wu J.-L. Hidden digital watermarks in images // IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 1999. Vol. 8. № 1. P. 58–68.

21. Tao B., Dickinson B. Adaptive watermarking in the DCT domain // Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. 1997.

22. Cox I., Kilian J., Leighton T., Shamoon T. Secure spread spectrum watermarking for multimedia // IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 1997. Vol. 6. № 12. P. 1673–1687.

23. Barni M., Bartolini R., Cappellini V., Piva A. A DCT-domain system for robust image watermarking // Signal Processing, Special Issue on Copyright Protection and Control. 1998. Vol. 66. № 3. P. 357–372.

24. Fridrich J. Combining low-frequency and spread spectrum watermarking // Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Mathematics of Data/Image Coding, Compression and Encryption. 1998. Vol. 3456. P. 2–12.

Глава 6

1. Arnold M., Kanka S. MP3 robust audio watermarking // International Watermarking Workshop. 1999.

2. Barlow J. P. The economy of ideas. Wired Magazine. 1994. № 2.

3. Barni M., Bartolini F., Cappellini V., Lippi A., Piva A. A DWT-based technique for spatio-frequency masking of digital signatures // Proceedings of the 11th SPIE Annual Symposium, Electronic Imaging '99, Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents. 1999. Vol. 3657.

4. Chae J. J. Robust Techniques for Data Hiding in Images and Video. PhD thesis, CA, USA, 1999.

5. Chae J. J., Mukherjee D., Manjunath B. S. A robust embedded data from wavelet coeffcients // Proceedings of SPIE, Electronic Imaging, Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Database. 1998. Vol. 3312. P. 308–317.

6. Collberg C., Thomborson C. On the limits of software watermarking // Technical report, University of Auckland, New Zealand, 1998.

7. Corvi M., Nicchiotti G. Wavelet-based image watermarking for copyright protection // Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis. 1997.

8. Cox I. J., Kilian J., Leighton T., Shamoon T. G. Secure spread spectrum watermarking for multimedia // Technical report, NEC Research Institure, USA, 1996.

9. Cox I. J., Kilian J., Leighton T., Shamoon T. G. A secure, robust watermark for multimedia // Information hiding: first international workshop. Lecture Notes in Comp. Science. 1996. Vol. 1174. P. 183–206.

10. Cox I. J., Kilian J., Leighton T., Shamoon T. G. Secure spread spectrum watermarking for images, audio and video // Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 1996. P. 243–246.

11. Cox I. J., Kilian J., Leighton T., Shamoon T. G.. Secure spread spectrum watermarking for multimedia // Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. Vol. 6. P. 1673–1687. 1997.