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Вадим Геннадьевич Грибунин

7. Voloshynovskiy S., Herrigel, A., Baumgrtner N., Pun T. A stochastic approach to content adaptive digital image watermarking // Proceeding of International Workshop on Information hiding. 1999.

8. Cox I., Linnartz J. Some general methods for tampering with watermarks // IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communications. 1997.

9. Kutter M. Digital Image Watermarking: Hiding Information in Images. PhD thesis, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1999.

10. Petitcolas F. Weakness of existing watermarking schemes. . 1997.

11. Lin C. Watermarking and Digital Signature Techniques for Multimedia Authentication and Copyright Protection. PhD Thesis, Columbia University, 2000.

12. Wu M. Multimedia Data Hiding. PhD Thesis, Princeton University, 2001.

13. Craver S., Memon N., Yeo B., Yeung M. Can Invisible Watermarks Resolve Rightful Ownerships? // IBM Research Report. 1996.

14. Craver S., Memon N., Yeo B., Yeung M. On the Invertibility of Invisible Watermarking Techniques // Proc. of ICIP. 1997.

15. Craver S., Memon N., Yeo B., Yeung M. Resolving Rightful Ownerships with Invisible Watermarking Techniques: Limitations, Attacks, and Implications // IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication. 1998. Vol. 16. № 4. P. 573–586.

16. Deguillaume F., Csurka G., Pun T. Countermeasures for unintentional and intentional video watermarking attacks // SPIE Electronic Imaging. 2000.

17. Maes M. Twin Peaks: The Histogram Attack to Fixed Depth Image Watermarks // Proceeding of International Workshop on Information hiding. 1998.

Глава 3

1. Шеннон К. Работы по теории информации и кибернетики / Пер. с англ. —М.: Иностранная литература, 1963. — 829 с.

2. Moulin P., O’Sullivan J. Information-theoretic analysis of information hiding. 1999. 43 p.

3. Su J.K., Eggers J.J., Girod B. Analysis of Digital Watermarks Subjected to Optimum Linear Filtering and Additive Noise // Signal Processing. Special Issue on Information Theoretic Issues in Digital Watermarking. 2001. Vol. 81. № 6. P. 1141–1175.

4. Marvel L. Image Steganography for Hidden Communication. PhD Thesis. University of Delavare, 1999. 115 p.

5. Ramkumar M. Data Hiding in Multimedia — Theory and applications. PhD Thesis. University Heights, 1999. 68 p.

6. Petitcolas F., Anderson R.J., Kuhn M.G. Information Hiding — A Survey // Proceedings IEEE, Special Issue on Identification and Protection of Multimedia Information. 1999. Vol. 87. №. 7. P. 1069–1078.

7. Hartung F., Kutter M. Multimedia Watermarking Techniques // Proceedings IEEE, Special Issue on Identification and Protection of Multimedia Information. 1999. Vol. 87. №. 7. P. 1079–1107.

8. Быков С.Ф. Алгоритм сжатия JPEG c позиций компьютерной стеганографии // Защита информации. Конфидент. 2000. № 3.

9. Swanson M.D., Kobayahi M., Tewfik A.H. Multimedia Data-Embedding and Watermarking Strategies // Proceeding of IEEE. 1998. Vol. 86. №. 6. P. 1064–1087.

10. Wolgang R.B., Podilchuk C.I., Delp E.J. Perceptual Watermarking for Digital Images and Video // Proceeding IEEE, Special Issue on Identification and Protection of Multimedia Information. 1999. Vol. 87. №. 7. P. 1088–1126.