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Сергей Леонидович Головин

Ham Ken, Taylor Paul. The Genesis Solution — Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA: Baker Book House, 1992.— 6th print. — 126 p.

Morris Henry M. Men of Science — Men of God — El Cajon, California, USA: Master Books, 1991.— 4th print. — 332 p.

Morris Henry M. The Genesis Record — Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA: Baker Book House, 1992.— 22nd print. — 716 p.

Morris Henry M., Parker Gary E. What is Creation Science? — El Cajon, California, USA: Master Books, 1987.— 332 p.

New Bible Dictionary — Leicester, GB: Inter-Varsity Press, 1982.— 2nd edit. — 1326 p.

Niermann D. (Lee). Dinosaurs and Dragons. // Technical journal. Vol 8 (part 1), 1994.— P. 85–104.

Price Roger. Science and the Bible — Portsmouth, UK: Creation Science Movement, 1986.— Pamphlet 254.

Robinson Steven J. Can Flood Geology Explain the Fossil Record? // Technical journal. Vol 10 (part 1), 1996.— P. 32–69.

Rosevear D.T. The Truth about Dinosaurs // Direction, November 1993.

Setterfield Barry. Geological Time and Scriptural Chronology — Blackwood, Australia, 1987.— 17 p.

Setterfield Barry. Geological Time and Scriptural Chronology — Blackwood, Australia, 1991.— 50 p.

Taylor Charles V. Dinosaurs in the Bible // Technical journal. Vol 7 (part 2), 1993.— P. 169–171.

Taylor Paul S. The Great Dinosaur Mystery and the Bible — Elgin, Illinois, USA: Accent Books, 1992.— 11th print. — 63 p.

Watson Davis C. C. Myths & Miracles — Sunnybank, Australia: Creation Science Foundation, 1988.— 118 p.

Whitcomb John C., Morris Henry M. The Genesis Flood — Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA: Baker Book House, 1993.— 36th print. — 518 p.

Wilders Peter. Divine Geography — Portsmouth, UK: Creation Science Movement, 1986.— Pamphlet 246.

Woodmorappe John. Noah’s Ark: A Feasibility Study — Santee, California, USA: Institute for Creation Recearch, 1996.— 298 p.

Woodmorappe John. Studies in Flood Geology — El Cajon, California, USA: Institute for Creation Recearch, 1993.