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Валерий Августинович

80 Piton D., Yvart P., Sesse L. Liquid Fuelled Pulse Detonation Engines for Long-Range UAV’s /Proc. 36th Joint Propulsion Conference, AIAA-2000-3314, Huntsville, Alabama, 2000.

81. Sullivan M Dependable engines: the history of Pratt & Whittney — Library of Flight, ed. Ned Allen, 2008.

82. Steelant J. LAPCAT: A Technical Feasibility Study on Sustained Hypersonic Flight/Proc. 18th ISABE, #2007–1205, Beijing, 2007.

83. The New 1000 H. P. Wright Cyclone. — Wright Aeronautical Corporation, Paterson, New Jersey, 1936.

