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Роберт Д. Хаэр

3. Ethan Gorenstein (1991). A cognitive perspective on antisocial personality. In P. Magaro (ed.). Annual Review of Psychopathology: Cognitive Bases of Mental Disorders, vol. 1. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

4. Joanne Intrator. Из личной беседы, октябрь 1991 года.

5. Robert Lindner (1944). Rebel Without a Cause. New York: Grune and Stratton. Материал книги был положен в основу сюжета одноименного фильма (1955 год выпуска), однако взгляды Линднера на психопатию так и не были озвучены на экране.

6. Jose Sanchez. Guoted in The New York Times, July 7,1989.

Глава 6. Осознанный шаг к преступлению

1. Причины преступлений обсуждаются в книге: James Wilson & Richard Herrenstein (1985). Crime and Human Nature. New York: Touchstone.

2. Анализ влечения к совершению преступлений изложен в книге: Jack Kratz (1988). Seductions of Crime. New York: Basic Books.

3. R. D. Hare, K. Strachan, & A. E. Forth (1993). Psychopathy and crime: A review. In K. Howells & C. Hollin (eds.). Clinical Approaches to Mentally Disordered Offenders. New York: Wiley.

4. Tim Cahill (1987). Buried Dreams. New York: Bantam Books.

5. Norman Mailer (1980). The Executioner's Song. New York: Warner Books.

6. Playboy, May 1977, p. 76.

7. R. D. Hare & L. N. McPherson (1984). Violent and aggressive behavior by criminal psychopaths. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 7, 35–50; D. S. Kosson, S. S. Smith, & J. P. Newman (1990). Evaluating the construct validity of psychopathy on Black and White male inmates: Three preliminary studies. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 99,250–259; R. S. Serin (1991). Psychopathy and violence in criminals. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 6, 423–431; S. Wong (1984). Criminal and institutional behaviors of psychopaths. Programs Branch Users Report. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Ministry of the Solicitor-General of Canada.

8. Playboy, May 1977, p. 76.

9. S. Williamson, R. Hare, & S. Wong (1987). Violence: Criminal psychopaths and their victims. Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science, 1, 454–462.

10. Felicia Lee. N. Y. Times News Service, November 26, 1991.

11. R. Prentky & R. Knight (1991). Identifying critical dimensions for discriminating among rapists. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 59, 643–661.

12. Rapist «might murder». The Province, Vancouver, B. C., January 28,1987.

13. T. Newlove, S. Hart, & D. Dutton (1992). Psychopathy and Family Violence. Unpublished manuscript. Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

14. C. P. Ewing (1983). «Dr. Death» and the case for an ethical ban on psychiatric and psychological predictions of dan-gerousness in capital sentencing proceedings. American Journal of Law and Medicine, 8,407–428.

15. S. D. Hart, P. R. Kropp, & R. D. Hare (1988). Performance of male psychopaths following conditional release from prison. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 56, 227–232; R. C. Serin, R. D. Peters, & H. E. Barbaree (1990). Predictors of psychopathy and release outcome in a criminal population. Psychological Assessment: A Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 2, 419–422.