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Newnham R. About Chinese. Penguin Books, 1971.

Nowak M. and Durrant S. The Tale of the Nisan Shamaness. Washington U. Press, 1977.

Oliphant L. Narrative of the Earl Elgin’s Mission to China… Blackwood, 1859.

OvermyerD. L. Folk Buddhist Religion. Harvard U. Press, 1976.

Owen S. An Anthology of Chinese literature. W. W. Norton & Co., 1996.

Pilgrim of the Clouds / tr. J. Chaves. N.Y.: John Weatherhill, 1978.

Ping-ti Ho. The ladder of Success in Imperial China. Columbia U. Press, 1962.

Pirazzoli-t'Serstevens U. The Han Dynasty. Rizzoli International, 1982.

Poems of the Late T’ang / tr. A. C. Graham. Penguin Books, 1965.

PrattJ. T. China and Britain. Collins, 1944.

Prawdin U. The Mongol Empire. George Allen & Unwin, 1940.

Qian Hao and others. Out of China’s Earth. London: Frederick Muller, 1981.

Rawson J. Mysteries of Ancient China. British Museum Press, 1996.

ReischauerE. 0. Ennin’s Diary. N. Y.: Ronald Press Co., 1955.

Republican China /eds. F. Schurmann, O. Schell. Random House, 1967.

Ross J. The Original Religion of China. Oliphant Anderson & Ferrer, 1909.

Salisbury H. To Peking and Beyond. Hutchinson, 1973.

Schafer E. H. Pacing the Void. California U. Press, 1977.

Scott A. C. The Classical Theatre of China. George Allen & Unwin, 1957.

Seven Hundred Chinese Proverbs / tr. H. Hart. Stanford U. Press, 1937.

Shabad T. China’s Changing Map. Methuen & Co., 1956.

Shapiro H. L. Peking Man. London: Book Club Associates, 1976.

Sharf F. A. and Harrington P. China 1900: The Eyewitnesses Speak. London: Greenhill Books, 2000.

Shih Chung-wen. The Golden Age of Chinese Drama. Princeton U. Press, 1976.

Sickman L.y Soper A. The Art and Architecture of China. Penguin Books, 1956.

Siren O. A History of Later Chinese Painting. London: Medici Society, 1937.

Smith R.J. China’s Cultural Heritage. The Ch’ing Dynasty. Colorado: Westview Press, 1983.

Sotheby Parke Burnet (Hong Kong). Five Chinese School. 4.12.78.

Sources of Chinese Tradition / ed. De Вагу T. Columbia U. Press, 1964.

SpenceJ. D. Emperor of China. Jonathan Cape, 1974.

Spence J. D. The Death of Woman Wang. Wiedenfeld & Nicolson, 1978.

SpenceJ. D. The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci. Faber & Faber, 1985.

Spence J. D. The Chan’s Great Continent. Allen Lane, 1998.

Spence J. D. Mao. Wiedenfeld & Nicolson, 1999.

Spender S., Hockney D. China Diary. Thames & Hudson, 1982.

Staunton G. An Authentic Account of an [i.e. the Macartney] Embassy. China. 2 vols. London: G. Nicol, 1798.

Sullivan M. A Short History of Chinese Art. Faber & Faber, 1967.

Sun E-tu Zen. Chinese Social History / tr. J. De Francis. N. Y.: Octagon Books, 1966.

Taylor R. L. The Cultivation of Sagehood. American Academy of Religion, 1978.

The Book of Ser Marco Polo / tr. H. Yule. John Murray, 1903.

The Chinese Classics / tr. J. Legge. Hong Kong U. Press, 1960.

The First Chinese Embassy to the West / tr. J. D. Frodsham. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974.

The Golden Casket / tr. C. Levenson. N. Y.: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1964.