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3Carnarvon, No Regrets, p. 6.

4Greenwood, Highclere Castle, «Smoking Room»: «The table was probably brought to Highclere by the fifth Countess who was an illegitimate daughter of the wealthy Alfred de Rothschild».

5Identified by the authors during a visit to Highclere on Friday, 3 August 2001.

6Ferguson, p. 247; Carnarvon, pp. 6, 115.

7Ibid., p. 21.


9Hyde, Norman Birkett: The Life of Lord Birkettpf Ulverston, p. 149.


11Ibid., pp. 133-56.

12Personal interview between Tony Leadbetter, a surviving godson of Almina, Countess of Carnarvon, and the authors on 3 August 2001.


14Personal interview between Tony Leadbetter and the authors on 3 August 2001.

15The Egyptian Gazette, 30 March 1923.

16Ferguson, p. 247.

17Comay, Who's Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament, Rothschild Family, p. 307.

18Ferguson, p. 281.

19Comay, SV, Rothschild Family, p. 313.

20Ferguson, p. 452.

21Weizmann, Trial and Error, p. 205.

22Ibid., p. 204.

23Hoving, Tutankhamun — The Untold Story, p. 221. Hoving accepts that Carnarvon's decline in health began prior to the fatal mosquito bite that led eventually to Carnarvon's unexpected death. Email. from Thomas Hoving to Chris Ogilvie-Herald dated 18 July 2001.


1See Carter, The Tomb of Tut. ankh.Amen, II, pp. 106—40; Deny, «Report upon the Examination of Tut.ankh.Amen's Mummy», in Carter, II, pp. 143—61.

2Brier, The Murder of Tutankhamen: A 3000-year-old Murder Mystery, pp. 166—7.

3Ibid, р. 167.

4RG Harrison's comments quoted in ibid, p. 165.

5Ibid. pp. 172-3.

6Ibid, p. 172.

7Ibid, p. 173.


9Giiterbock, «The Deeds of Suppiluliuma as Told by His Son Mursili IVJCS 10 (1965), pp. 41-130.

10Ibid, pp. 107—8, Fragment 31, Bo 4543 and 9181.

11Ibid, p. 94, Fragment 28, Kbo V 6, Aiii.

12Aldred, Akhenaten: King of Egypt, p. 221.

13See, for instance, Aldred, p. 221.

14See, for instance, Mahdy Tutankhamun: The Life and Death of a Boy King p. 301.

15Ibid, p. 174.

16Ginzberg, The Legends of the Jews, II, p. 297.

17Weigall, Tutankhamen and Other Essays, p. 116.

18Ginzberg, II, p. 297.


1Hesse, «Pig Lovers and Pig Haters: Patterns of Palestinian Pork Production», JE 10:2(Winter 1990), pp. 195–225. For a full distribution of Iron Age pig remains see Table 3, pp. 215—16.

2Finkelstein and Silberman, The Bible Unearthed, pp. 119—20.

3Ibid, p. 119.

4See Finkelstein, «Ethnicityand Origin of the Iron Settlers in the Highlands of Canaan,» BA 59:4 (December 1996), p. 206.

5Finkelstein and Silberman, pp. 119—20.

6See Hunn, «The Abominations of Leviticus Revised: A Commentary on Anomaly in Symbolic Anthropology», in Ellen and Reason, eds. Classifications in their Social Context, 1979, pp. 103–116.

7Lev. 11: 7–8.

8Deut. 14: 8.

9Vaux, The Bible and the Ancient Near East, p. 267.

10See Hesse.

11Blaisdell, «Abominable and relatively unclean flesh: parasites and the prohibition against pork in Ancient Egypt and Israel», Argos 19 (1998), pp. 363—70.