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Константин Исаакович Сонин


Egorov G., Guriev S., and Sonin К. Why Resource-Poor Dictators Allow Freer Media: A Theory and Evidence from Panel Data // American Political Science Review, 2009, 103 (4), 645–668.


Djankov S., Glaeser Е., La Porta R., Lopes de Silanes F., and Shleifer A. The New Comparative Economics // Journal of Comparative Economics, 2003, 31 (4), 595–619.


Feddersen Т. and Pesendorfer W. Convicting the Innocent: The Inferiority of Unanimous Jury Verdicts under Strategic Voting // American Political Science Review, Mar. 1998, 92 (1), 23–35.


Goere J. K. and Yariv L. An Experimental Study of Collective Deliberation. Mimeo, 2010.


Polinsky A. M. and Shavell S. Punitive Damages: An Economic Analysis //Harvard Law Review, Feb. 1998, 111 (4), 869–962.


Polinsky A. M. and Shavell S. The Theory of Public Enforcement of Law. Published in Polinsky M. and Shavell S. (eds.). Handbook of Law and Economics, Volume 1, Elsevier B. V, 2007, Chapter 7, 403–454.


Вауе M. R., Kovenock D., and de Vries C. G. Comparative Analysis of Litigation Systems: An Auction-Theoretic Approach // The Economic Journal, 2005, Volume 115 Issue 505, 583–601.


Lambert-Mogiliansky A., Sonin К., and Zhuravskaya Е. Are Russian Commercial Courts Biased? Evidence from a Bankruptcy Law Transplant//Journal of Comparative Economics, 2007, 35 (2), 254–277.


Djankov S., La Porta R., Lopez-De-Silanes F., and ShleiferA. Courts // The Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 2003,118 (2), 453–517.


Rajan R. G., Zingales L. Financial Systems, Industrial Structure, and Growth // Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 2001,17 (4), 467–482.


Sonin К. Why the Rich May Favor Poor Protection of Property Rights // Journal of Comparative Economics, 2003,31 (4), 15–31; Сонин К. Институциональная теория бесконечного передела // Вопросы экономики. 2005. № 7.1–15.


Фридман Т. Плоский мир. М., 2007.


Olsson О. Conflict Diamonds // Journal of Development Economics, Mar. 2007, 82 (2), 267–286.


Bruno М. and Sachs J. Energy and Resources Allocation: A Dynamic Model of the «Dutch Disease» // Review of Economic Studies, 1982, Vol. 51, No. 159, 845–859.


Sachs J. and Warner A. Fundamental Sources of Long Run Growth // The American Economic Review, Mar. 2007, 87 (2), 184–188.


Волчкова Н. Является ли «голландская болезнь» причиной энергозависимой структуры российской промышленности / Под ред. Д. Тарра. Всемирный банк. 2006.


Ahrend R., De Rosa D., and Tompson W. Russian Manufacturing and the Threat of Dutch disease: a comparison of Competitiveness developments in Russian and Ukrainian Industry // OECD Economics Department Working Paper No. 540, 2007.


Ross М. Does Oil Hinder Democracy? // World Politics, 2001, 53 (3), 325–361.


Guriev S. and Rachinsky A. The Evolution of Personal Wealth in the Former Soviet Union and Central and Eastern Europe. Mimeo, 2006.