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Джонатан Блэк

Studies in Occultism by H.P. Blavatsky

A Universal History of Infamy by Jorge Luis Borges

Giordano Bruno and the Embassy’ Affair by John Bossy

Letters from an Occultist by Marcus Bottomley

The Occult History of the World Vol 1 by J. H. Brennan

Nadja by Andre Breton

Egypt Under the Pharaohs by Heinrich Brugsch-Bey

Hermit in the Himalayas by Paul Brunton A Search for Secret India by Dr. Paul Brunton

Egyptian Magic and Otitis and the Egyptian Resurrection by E.A. Wallis Budge

Legends of Charlemagne by Thomas Bulfinch Studies in Comparative Religion by Titus Burckhardt If on a Winter's Night a Traveller by Italo Calvino*

Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell

Rediscovering Gandhi by Yogesh Chadha

Life Before Birth, Life on Earth, Life After Death by Paul E. Chu

The True Story of the Rosicrucians by Tobias Churton

The Dream of Scipio by Cicero, translated by Percy Bullock

On the Nature of the Gods by Cicero, translated by C.M. Ross

The New Gods by E.M. Cioran

Europe's Inner Demons by Norman Cohn

The Theory of the Celestial Influence by Rodney Collin

Ka by Roberto Calasso

The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony by Roberto Colasso *

A Road to the Spirit by Paul Coroze

The Mysteries of Mithras by Franz Cumont

The Afterlife in Roman Paganism by Franz Cumont

Valis by Philip K. Dick

The Revelation of Evolutionary Events by Evelynn B. Debusschere Mystical Theology and Celestial Hierarchy by Dionysius the Areopagite, translated by the editors of the Shrine of Wisdom Atlantis: the Antediluvian World by Ignatius Donnelly The Erotic world of Faery by Maureen Duffy LesMagiciens de Dieu by Francois Ribadeau Dumas Chronicles volume One by Bob Dylan*

Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco The Book of Enoch edited by RJHL Charles The Sacred Magician by Georges Chevalier Life's Hidden Secrets by Edward G. Collinge Conversations with Goethe by Eckermann*

A New Chronology of the Gospels by Ormond Edwards

Zodiacs Old and New by Cyril Fagan

On Life after Death by Gustav Theodor Fechner

Ecstasies by Carlo Ginzburg

Once upon a fairy tale by Norbert Glas

Snoiv-White put right by Norbert Glas

Magic and Divination by Rupert Gleadow

Maxims and Reflections by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Hara: the vital centre of man by Karlfried Graf Durckheim

The Greek Myths by Robert Graves

M.R. fames' Book of the Supernatural by Peter Haining

Cabalistic keys to the Lord's Prayer by Manly P. Hall

Sages and Seers by Manly P. Hall

The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall

The Roots of Witchcraft by Michael Harrison

The Communion Sewice and the Ancient Mysteries by Alfred


The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception by Max Heindel

The Herrnetica in the edition edited and translated by Walter Scott

The Kingdom of Faerie by Geoffrey Hodson

The Kingdom of the Gods by Geoffrey Hodson

Myth and Ritual by Samuel H. Hooke

Vicious circles and infinity by Patrick Hughes and George Brecht

The Way of the Sacred by Frances Huxley

La Bas by J.K. Huymans

Vernal Blooms by W.Q. Judge