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Грэм Хэнкок

 Ibid., p. 182–183.

 Cyril Hromnik, "А Testament to the Shamanistic Hallucinatory Trance Theory of the Southern African Rock Art", Rock Art Research, 1991, Vol. 8, No. 2, p. 100.


 Ibid., p. 99.

 Ibid, ответ Льюиса-Вильямса на с. 103.


 D. F. Bleek, 1935: p. 22–23, 29, 31; 1936: p. 132; 1956: p. 363–364, cited in Rock Art Research, 1991, Lewis-Williams reply, p. 103.

 D. F. Bleek, 1935: p. 12, 29, 32, 35, 36, cited in Rock Art Research, 1991, Lewis-Williams reply, p. 103.


 David Lewis-Williams, The Mind in the Cave, Thames and Hudson, London, 2002, p. 138–139.

 Rock Art Research, 1991, Lewis-Williams reply, p. 103.

 G. W. Stow, Rock Paintings in South Africa, Methuen, London, 1930, cited in Royden Yates and Anthony Manhire, "Shamanism and Rock Paintings: Aspects of the Use of Rock Art in the South-Western Cape, South Africa", South African Archaeological Bulletin, 46, p. 8.

 Lewis-Williams, The Mind in the Cave, p. 149.


 Cited in David Lewis-Williams, A Cosmos in Stone, Altamira Press, Walnut Creek, CA, 2002, p. 56.

 Reproduced in ibid, p. 54, illus. B.

 Cited in ibid, p. 58.

 Cited in David Lewis-Williams, Images of Mystery: Rock Art of the Drakensberg, Double Storey, Cape Town, p. 26.

 Lewis-Williams, The Mind in the Cave, p. 147, 168; Lewis-Williams, Images of Mystery, p. 38, 40–41.

 Bahn,Images of the Ice Age, p. 190.

 Lewis-Williams, Images of Mystery, p. 35.

 Lewis-Williams, A Cosmos in Stone, p. 62.

 Lewis-Williams, Images of Mystery, p. 35.

 Hromnik, "А Testament to the Shamanistic…", p. 99.

 R. Katz, 1982, p. 8 cited in Rock Art Research, 1991, p. 102.

 R. Katz, "The Painful Ecstasy of Healing", Psychology Today, December 1975, 10 (7), p. 82.

 R. Katz and M. Biesele, 1986, p. 221, cited in Rock Art Research 1991, p. 102.


 Katz and Biesele, 1986, p. 221, cited in ibid.

 Richard Katz, "Education for Transcendence:! Kia-Healing with the Kalahari! Kung", in Richard B. Lee and Irven Devore (Eds), Kalahari Hunter-Gatherers: Studies of the IKung and their Neighbours, Harvard University Press, 1976, p. 288, 287.

 Cited in Rock Art Research, 1991, p. 102.

 M. Biesele, 1993, p. 70, cited in Lewis-Williams, The Mind in the Cave, p. 142.

 Katz, "Education for Transcendence", p. 293.

 Ibid, p. 285.

 Katz, "The Painful Ecstasy of Healing", p. 85.

 Rock Art Research, 1991, p. 102.

 Katz, "The Painful Ecstasy of Healing", p. 85.

 Смотри главы семь и восемь.

 "Testing the Three Stages of Trance Model", CAJ, 2003, 13:2, p. 213.

 Helvenston and Bahn,Desperately Seeking Trance Plants, p. 51.

 CAJ, 2003, 13:2, p. 215.


 Ibid, p. 213.