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Мераб Константинович Мамардашвили

ФИЛОСОФИЯ — ЭТО СОЗНАНИЕ ВСЛУХ. Опубликовано в: ж-л "Юность" М, 1988, № 12, сс. 9-13.


Часть беседы опубликована в: ж-л "Наше наследие. М., 1988, № 3, сс. 22–27, атакжев: ж-л "Родник". Рига, 1989,№ 11, сс. 45–49. [беседу вели Ю. Сенокосов, А. Караулов] Ред. наст. изд. выражает свою признательность А. Карау- лову и Ю. Сенокосову за содействие при подготовке настоящей публикации.


Интервью опубликовано в газете "Заря Востока" от 25 июня 1989 г., Тбилиси. [Записала Эка Ахалкаци]

"ДЬЯВОЛ ИГРАЕТ НАМИ, КОГДА МЫ НЕ МЫСЛИМ ТОЧНО…" Беседа опубликована в: ж-л "Театр". М., 1989, № 3, сс. 88–96. [беседу вел М. Гуревич] Ред. наст. изд. выражаетсвою искреннюю признательность редакции ж-ла "Театр" за содействие при подготовке настоящей публикации.


THE CIVIL SOCIETY. A Conversation With Merab Mamardashvili (The Civic Arts Review (CAR), vol. 2. #3, 1989) Пер. с англ. К. Голубович. Ред. пер. — О. Никифоров.

Первая — англоязычная — публикация текста интервью 1989 г. сопровождается следующим редакторским предисловием: "The idea of the civil society is in the air these days. It is an old idea, of course, but one that seems to have a special resonance in the contemporary climate of social opinion. One notes a number of international conferences on the subject. In a recent article Daniel Bell surveyed this rebirth of interest and concluded that "the demand for a return to civil society is the demand for a return to a manageable scale of social life. It emphasizes voluntary associations, churches, and communities, arguing that decisions should be made locally and should not be controlled by the State and its bureaucracies."

This demand is keenly felt in the Soviet Union where the winds of glasnost and perestroika are blowing through established structures. Preeminent among those calling for a return to the civil society in the Soviet Union is Merab Mamardashvili, ofthe Institute of Philosophy, Academy of

Sciences, in the Georgian Soviet Republic. Born in 1930 in the town of Gori, Georgia, Mamardashvili is one of a new breed of philosopher in the Soviet Union: outspoken, broadly read and international in repute. He is the author of many books and articles including Forms and Contents of Thinking, published in 1968; The Problem of Objective Method in Psychology, published in 1977; Classic and Non-classic Ideals of Rationality, published in 1984; Phenomenology and its Role in Contemporary Philosophy and Conscious- nm and the Philosophical Calling, both published in 1988; and Cartesian Thoughts, to be published this year. He was recently appointed a Richard D. Lombard International Fellow at the Kettering Foundation in Dayton, Ohio, and late in the summerhe conducted a series of seminars there. The following interview reflects what was on Mamardashvili's mind at that time".

Ред. наст. изд. выражает свою признательность редакции журнала CAR и лично Бернарду Мерчленду за сотрудничество при подготовке настоящей публикации.