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Терри Джонс

Velleius Paterculus. Compendium of Roman History: Res Gestae Divi

Augusti, tr. Shipley, F.W. (Loeb, 1924).

Victor ofТunnunna. Chronicon, Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina, 173а (Turnhout, 2001).

Vitruvius. Оп Architecture, tr. Granger, Е, 2 vols. (Loeb, 1931, 1934).

Webster, J. and Соорег, N. (eds.). Roman lmperialism: Post-colonial Perspectives (Leicester, 1996).

Wells, H.G. The Outline of History (Cassell, 1972).

Wells, p.s. The Barbarians Speak: How the Conquered Peoples Shaped Roman Еuгоре (Princeton, 1999).

Его же. Beyond Celts, Germans and Scythians: Archelogy and ldentity in lгоn Age Еuгоре (Duckworth, 2001).

Его же. The Battle that Stopped Rome (W.W. Norton and Со, 2003).

Whittaker, C.R. Fгontiers oft he Roman Empire: А Social and Economic Study (John Hopkins, 1994).

Wilkes, J.J. The Illyrians (Blackwell, 1992).

Zonaras, Annales, ed. Buettner-Wobst, Т., 3 vols. (Bonn, 1841-97).

Zosimus. History, tr. Ridley, R.T. (Canberra, 1982).