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Алексей Александрович Маслов

156. Nakayama Masatoshi. Dynamic Karate: Instructions by the Master. Tokyo, 1966.

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164. Oyama Masutatsu. Advanced Karate. Tokyo, 1974.

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175. Reishauer E. O. The Japanese. Cambridge, 1977.

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177. Rotermund H.O. Die Yamabushi. Hamburg, 1968.

178. Robert L. Le guide Marabout de Judo. Paris, 1981.

179. Rotermund H.O. Die Yamabushi. Hamburg, 1968.

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183. Soulie B. Japanese Art of Loving. Fribourg– Geneve: Liber SA, 1983.

184. Sources of Japanese Tradition /Ed. by Tsunoda Ryusaku. New York: Columbia University Press, 1958.

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187. Sugawara Makoto. Lives of Master Swordsmen. Tokyo, 1985.

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189. Swanson P. Shugendo and the Yoshino-Kumano Pilgrimage //Monumento Nipponica. V. 36. No. 1.

190. Tale of Mutsu //Ttr. by McCullough H.C. //Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies. 1964–1965. № 25.

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