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Олег А. Арин

Cohen, Ariel. A NEW PARADIGM FOR U.S.-RUSSIA RELATIONS: FACING THE POST-COLD WAR REALITY. — The Heritage Foundation, Backgrounder No. 1105 March 6, 1997.

Cohen, Ariel. The «Primakov Doctrine»: Russia's Zero-Sum Game with the United States. The Heritage Foundation. FY1 No. 167. December 15, 1997.

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Complexity, Global Politics, and National Security. Ed. By David S. Alberts and Thomas J. Cherwinski. Wash. D.C.: National Defense University, 1997.

Crafts, Nicholas. Globalization and Growth in The Twentieth Century. IMF Working Paper. March 2000.

Culture of National Security, The. Norms and Identity in World Politics. /Edited by Peter J. Katzenstein. NY: Columbia University Press, 1996.

Desch Michael C. Culture Clash. Assessing the Importance of Ideas in Secure Studies. — International Security, Vol.23, № 1 (Summer 1998).

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Developments in Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics. White, Stephen; Pravda, Alex: Gitelman, Zvi (Ed.) L.: Macmillan, 1992.

Eberstadt, Nicolas. Russia: Too sick to Matter? — Policy Review, June&Jule 1999, № 95.

Ellsworth, Robert F. American National Security in the Early XXIst Century Ir U.S. National Security: Beyond the Cold War.

Exploring U.S. Missile Defense. Requirements in 2010:What are the Policy and Technology Challenges? Wash.: IFPA, April 1997.

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Gissinger, Ranveig, Nils Petter Gleditsch. Globalization and

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Global Labor Movements (Special Issue). Guest-Edited by Bradley Nash, Jr. — Journal of World-Systems Research. Volume 4, Number 1 (Winter 1998).

Global Trends 2015: A Dialogue About the Future With Nongovernment Experts. NIC 2000-02, December 2000.

Goldfrank, W. L. BEYOND CYCLES OF HEGEMONY: ECONOMIC, SOCIAL, AND MILITARY FACTORS. — Journal of World-Systems Research. Volume 1, Number 8, 1995.

Grenwille J.A.S. A History of the World in the Twentieth Century. Cambridge, Mass.: The Belknap Press of Harvard Un-ty, 1994.

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Hausken, Kjell, and Thomas Plumper. Hegemons, Leaders and Followers: A Game-Theoretic Approach to the Postwar Dynamics of International Political Economy Journal of World-Systems Research. Volume 3, Number 1, 1997.