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Олег Валентинович Романько

− СБМ – Союз белорусской молодежи (Саюз беларускай моладзі (нем.); СБМ)

− СБПБ – Союз борьбы против большевизма

− СД – Служба безопасности (Sicherheitsdienst (нем.); SD)

− СРМ – Союз русской молодежи

− СС – Охранные отряды (Schutzstaffel (нем.); SS)

− ПБН – Партия белорусских националистов (Партыя беларускiх нацыяналiстаў (бел.); ПБН)

− УIЖ – «Украïнський iсторичний журнал»

− УПА – Украинская повстанческая армия (Українська повстанська армія (укр.); УПА)

− «Хиви» – «добровольный помощник» (Hilfswilliger (нем.); Hiwi)

− ЦК КПБ – Центральный комитет Коммунистической партии Белоруссии

− ЦШПД – Центральный штаб пратизанского движения

− BA-MA – Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv (нем.) – Федеральный военный архив Германии

− HSSPf – Höhere SSund Polizeiführer (нем.) – главный фюрер СС и полиции

− IfZ Institut für Zeitgeschichte (нем.) – Институт современной истории

− SSPf – SSund Polizeiführer (нем.) – фюрер СС и полиции

− KTB – Kriegstagebuch des Oberkommandos der Wehrmacht (Wehrmachtführungstab) (нем.) – Дневник военных действий ОКВ

− MGFA – Militärgeschichtlichen Forschungsamt der Bundeswehr (нем.) –Управление военно-исторических исследований Министерства обороны ФРГ

− NARS – U.S. National Archives (англ.) – Национальный архив США

− PAJH – Privatarchiv des Dr. Joachim Hoffmann (нем.) – Личный архив Д-ра Иоахима Хоффманна

− «Schuma» – Schutzmannschaft der Ordnungspolizei (нем.) – «вспомогательная полиция порядка»

− z.b.V. – zur besonderen Verfügung (нем.) – части специального назначения


Oleg V. Romanko

Legions under Pogonya sign.

The Byelorussian collaborationist formations in the power structures of Nazi Germany (1941 – 1945)

The complex of questions, related to the problem of Byelorussian military collaborationism in the period of Second World War is examined in a monograph. On the base of vast historical material from the archives of Ukraine, Byelorussia, Russia, Germany and USA the process of organization, preparation and battle using of Byelorussian units and sub-units in composition of police, Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS is retraced.

In the first chapter reasons and conditions of creation of the Byelorussian collaborationist formations through the prism of plans of German military and political management in attitude to this soviet republic are exposed. The place of Byelorussian emigration in this process is considered.

In the second chapter influence of Byelorussian national movement on creation and use of collaborationist units and sub-units is analyzed. The fight of pro-Nazi and anti-Nazi currents in national movement for leading position in this process is shown.

To the Byelorussian collaborationist formations in composition German forces on keeping an order the third chapter of monograph is covered. Use the method of comparative analysis, an author shows the process of organization, preparation and battle using of units of the Byelorussian police, self-defense and prototype of national military powers – the Byelorussian regional defensive.

Finally, about the Byelorussian formations in the structures of armed forces of Nazi Germany speech go in the fourth chapter of monograph. An author analyzed and compared organization preparation and battle using of battle, special and auxiliary units of Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS. Firstly in domestic historiography history of the youth militarized organization Union of the Byelorussian youth and its role in German military efforts is considered.