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Крис Импи


В невращающейся черной дыре сингулярность является точкой, во вращающейся – кольцом. У физика кольцеобразная сингулярность вызывает не большее отторжение, чем точечная, поскольку сохраняет бесконечное искривление пространственно-временного континуума в каждой точке окружности.


J. Womersley, “Beyond the Standard Model,” Symmetry, February 2005, 22–25. Несколько более специализирующаяся на технических аспектах статья с таким же названием: J.D. Lykken, “Beyond the Standard Model”, это лекция, прочитанная в рамках Европейской школы физики высоких энергий 2009 г., CERN Yellow Report CERN-2010–0002 (Geneva: CERN, 2011), 101–09.


L. Randall and R. Sundrum, “An Alternative to Compactification,” Physical Review Letters 83 (1999): 4690–93.


L. Randall, Warped Passages: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe’s Hidden Dimensions (New York: Ecco, 2005).


M. Holloway, “The Beauty of Branes,” Scientific American 293, November 2005, 38–40.


L. Randall, “Theories of the Brane,” in The Universe: Leading Scientists Explore the Origin, Mysteries, and Future of the Cosmos, edited by J. Brockman (New York: HarperCollins, 2014), 62–78.


e. e. cummings, “Pity this busy monster, manunkind,” in e. e. cummings: Complete Poems 1904–1962 (New York: W.W. Norton, 1944).


J. Neilsen et al., “The 3 Million Second Chandra Campaign on Sgr A*: A Census of X-ray Flaring Activity from the Galactic Center,” in The Galactic Center: Feeding and Feedback in a Normal Galactic Nucleus, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, vol. 303 (2013): 374–78.


M. Nobukawa et al., “New Evidence for High Activity of the Super-Massive Black Hole in our Galaxy,” Astrophysical Journal Letters 739 (2011): L52–56.


F. Nicastro et al., “A Distant Echo of Milky Way Central Activity Closes the Galaxy’s Baryon Census,” Astrophysical Journal Letters 828 (2016): L12–20.


“Chandra Finds Evidence for Swarm of Black Holes Near the Galactic Center”.


D. Haggard et al., “The Field X-ray AGN Fraction to z = 0.7 from the Chandra MultiWavelength Project and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey,” Astrophysical Journal 723 (2010): 1447–68.


R.P. van der Marel et al., “The M31 Velocity Vector: III. Future Milky Way-M31-M33 Orbital Evolution, Merging, and Fate of the Sun,” Astrophysical Journal 753 (2012): 1–21.


T.J. Cox and A. Loeb, “The Collision Between the Milky Way and Andromeda,” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 386 (2007): 461–74.