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19 P. Gatrell. A Whole Empire Walking. Refugees in Russia during World War I. Bloomington 1999, p. 17–19, 23–25, 36, 66; P. Holauist. To Count, to Extract, and to Exterminate: Population Statistics and Population Politics in Late Imperial and Soyiet Russia, in: R. G. Suny, T. Martin (Hrsg.). AState of Nations. Empire and Nation Making in the Age of Lenin and Stalin. Oxford, 2001, р. 115; E. Lohr. The Russian Army and the Jews: Mass Deportations, Hostages, and Violence du ring World War I, in: Russian Review 60 (2001), p. 404–419.

20 Halfin. From Darkness to Light.

21 Див.: И. Чериковер. Антисемитизм и погромы на Украине 1917–1918 гг. К истории украинско–еврейских отношений. Берлин, с. 29–31; N. Katzer. Die weifie Bewegung in Rufiland. Herrschaftsbildung, praktische Politik und politische Programmatik im Burgerkrieg. Koln, 1999, S. 281.

22 H. Kuromiya. Freedom and Terror in the Donbass. A Ukrainian–Russian Borderland, 1870s–1990s. Cambridge, 1998, p. 77–79, 82–84. Укр. пер.: Куромія Г. Свобода і терор у Донбасі: українсько–російське прикордоння, 1870–1990–і роки / Пер. з англ. Г. Кьорян, В. Агєєв; Передм. Г. Немирі. — К.: Вид–во Соломії Павличко ”Основи”, 2002.

23 М. С. Hickey. The Rise and Fali of Smolenski Moderate Socialists: The Politics of Class and the Rhetoric of Crisis in 1917, in: Raleigh (Ed.), Provincial Landscapes, p. 14–35; R. T. Manning. Bolsheyiks without the Party. Sychevka in 1917, in: Raleigh, Provincial Landscapes, p. 40–52; J. Channon. The Peasantry in the Revolutions of 1917, in: E. R. Frankel and oth. (Ed.), Revolution in Russia. Reassessments of 1917. Cambridge, 1992, p. 106–107; J. Keep. The Russian Revolution. A Study in Mass Mobilization. New York, 1976, p. 159–161.

24 O. Figes / B. Kolonitskii. Interpreting the Russian Revolution. The Language and Symbols of 1917. New Haven, 1999, p. 108–124, 127–152.

25 Цит. за: В.І. Ленін. Повне зібрання творів. Київ, 1958–1965, т. 35, с. 197; D. J. Raleigh. Experiencing Russias Civil War. Politics, Society, and Revolutionary Culture in Saratov, 1917–1922. Princeton, 2002, p. 34–36, 246–281.

26 М. P. Price. My Reminiscences of the Russian Revolution. London, 1921, p. 349; A. Грациози. Большевики и крестьяне на Украине, 1918–1919 г. Москва, 1997, с. 82.

27 Figes. Tragodie, S. 410–429; Kuromiya. Freedom, p. 85–88.

28 A. Geifman. Thou Shalt Kill. Revolutionary Terrorism in Russia, 1894–1917. Princeton, 1993, p. 154–180; A. J. Mayer. The Furies. Violence and Terror in the French and the Russian Revolutions. Princeton, 2000, p. 239.