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==Библиография/Источники ==Забугорная Англо-, франко- и германоязычная литература приводится главным образом в исторических целях. Список Русской литературы готовится.

[1]"Final Exit: The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide

for the Dying" Derek Humphry (publisher: Hemlock)

[2]alt.suicide.holiday newsgroup on "usenet"

[3]alt.med newsgroup on "usenet"

[4]"Poisonous Plants and Fungi: an Illustrated Guide" (Ministry of

Agriculture, Fisheries and Foods) M R Cooper, A W Johnson

[5]"Encyclopedia of Human Biology"

"Let Me Die Before I Wake" Derek Humphry

"Suicide, Mode d'Emploi" Claude Guillon, Yves Le Bonniec

"Zorg jij dak ik niet meer wakker word?" Klazien Sybrandy, Rob Bakker

"How To Die With Dignity" George B Mair, EXIT (Scottish)

"A Guide To Self-Deliverance" EXIT (Britain)

"Autodeliverance" Michel L Landa

"Justifiable Euthanasia" Pieter V Admiraal

"First You Cry" Betty Rollin

"Last Wish" Betty Rollin

"Death of a Man" Lael Wertenberger

"Jean's Way" Derek Humphry

"The Savage God: A Study of Suicide" A Alvarez

"Double Exit" Ann Wickett

"Voluntary Euthanasia: A Comprehensive Bibliography" G Johnson (Hemlock)

"The Woman Said Yes" Jessamyn West

"The Bell Jar" Sylvia Plath

"Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products" Williams & Wilkins Company

"Suicide: The Gamble with Death" Gene & David Lester

"Crisis Intervention in the Community" Richard K McGee

"Wanting to Die" Anne Sexton

"Bitter Fame" (bio about) Sylvia Plath (author is) Anne Stevenson

"Letters Home" (bio about) Sylvia Plath (author is) Aurelia S Plath

"Raven: The Untold Story of the Rev. Jim Jones & his People" Dutton

"Essays in Self-Destruction" (ed) Edwin S Shneidman

"Suicide: A Study in Sociology" Emile Durkheim

"Suicide and Attempted Suicide" Erwin Stengel

"Endangered Hope: Experiences in Psychiatric Aftercare Facilities" David K

Reynolds, Norman L Farberow

"Death Wishes? The Understanding & Managment of Deliberate Self Harm"

H G Morgan

"The Final Months: a Study of the Lives of 134 Persons who Committed

Suicide" Eli Robins

"Suicide: Inside and Out" David K Reynolds, Normal L Farberow

"Attempted Suicide: A Practical Guide to its Nature and Management" Keith

Hawton, Jose Catalan

"The Negative Scream: A Story of Young People Who Took an Overdose" Sally


"Caring for the Suicidal" John Eldrid

"The Samaritans: to help those tempted to suicide or despair" Chad Varah

"Mishima: A Biography" John Nathan

"Self-Mutilation: Theory, Research, and Treatment" Barent W Walsh, Paul M


"Defeating Depression: a Guide for Depressed People and Their Familes"

C A H Watts

"Depression: The Way Out of Your Prison" Dorothy Rowe

"The Oxford Book of Death" D J Enright

Этот список взят из [1] и несколько расширен. Майк настоятельно советует прочесть эту книгу Дерека Хемфри. C: Hе была использована при составлении файла, но рекомендована участниками

конференции: "The Enigma Of Suicide" by George Howe Colt.