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Александр Маркович Эткинд

Глава 13. Нефть

О свойствах нефти: Mitchell T. Carbon Democracy, Political Power in the Age of Oil. Verso, 2011; Bridge G. Philippe Le Billon. Oil. Cambridge: Polity, 2013; Bachus D. K., Mario J. Crucini. Oil Prices and the Terms of Trade. NBER Working Paper 6697. 1998; Kallis G., Sager J. Oil and the economy: A systematic review of the literature for ecological economists. Ecological Economics. 10, 1016;

об открытии керосина: Frank A. Oil Empire: Visions of Prosperity in Austrian Galicia. Harvard, 2007; McDermott Hughes D. Energy without Conscience. Oil, Climate Change, and Complicity. Duke University Press, 2017;

об Иде Тарбелл: Brady K. Ida Tarbell: Portrait of a Muckraker. University of Pittsburgh Press, 2004; McNally R. Crude Volatility. Columbia University Press, 2017;

о бакинской нефти: JP McKay. Baku oil and Transcaucasian pipelines, 1883–1891: A study in Tsarist economic policy // Slavic Review. 1984. Vol. 43. № 4. P. 603–624; Славкина М. Российская добыча. М.: Родина Медиа, 2014; Фурсенко А. А. Нефтяные войны. Л.: Наука, 1985; Barry A. Material Politics. Disputes alongv the pipeline. New York: Wiley, 2013; Blau I., Rupnik I. Baku Oil and Urbanism. London: Park, 2018; Conlin J. Mr Five Per Cent: The many lives of Calouste Gulbenkian, the world’s richest man. London: Profile, 2019;

о нефти и золотом стандарте: Steil B. The Battle of Bretton Woods. Princetin University Press, 2013; Mitchell. Carbon Democracy. Ch. 5;

об ОПЕК: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2016-05-30/the-untold-story-behind-saudi-arabia-s-41-year-u-s-debt-secret;

о справедливости и неравенстве: Rawls J. A Theory of Justice. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap, 1971; Milanovic B. Global Inequality. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap, 2016; Wenar L. Blood Oil. Tyrants, Violence, and the Rules that Run the World. Oxford University Press, 2017; Novokmet F., Piketty Th., Zucman G. From Soviets to Oligarchs: Inequality and Property in Russia 1905–2016. http://piketty.pse.ens.fr/files/NPZ2017WIDworld.pdf (2017); https://publications.credit-suisse.com/tasks/render/file/?fileID=F2425415-DCA7-80B8-EAD989AF9341D47E; https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2019/03/06/98-russian-billionaires-hold-more-wealth-than-russians-combined-savings-a64720;


Главное об антропоцене: Bonneuil Ch., Fressoz J.-B. The Shock of Anthropocene. London: Verso, 2015;

o четвертом энергетическом переходе: Smil V. Energy Transitions. History, Requierements, Prospects. New York: Praeger, 2010; Smil. Making the Modern World – Materials and Dematerialization. New York: Wiley, 2013;

о гипотезе Геи: Lovelock J. Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000; Lovelock. The Vanishing Face of Gaia: A Final Warning. New York: Basic Books, 2009; Latour B. Facing Gaia. Eight Lectures on the New Climatic Regime. Cambridge: Polity, 2017; Latour. Europe as Refuge // Geiselberger H. (Ed.) The Great Regression. Polity, 2017. P. 78–88;