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Александр Маркович Эткинд

о первых магазинах: Goody J. Food and Love. Р. 159;

o роскоши: Мандевиль Б. Басня о пчелах. М.: Наука, 2000 / Пер. Е. С. Лагутина, А. Л. Субботина; Martin J. Daunton. State and Market in Victorian Britain: War, Welfare and Capitalism. London: Boydell, 2008. P. 64; Berg M. Luxury and Pleasure in Eighteen-Century Britain. Oxford University Press, 2005; Hume D. Of Commerce, https://www.amazon.com/David-Commerce-Illustrated-Bundled-Autobiography-ebook/dp/B00U77G8A2;

об экстрактивных государствах: Acemoglu D., Robinson J. A. Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty. New York: Crown, 2012;

о прославлении труда: Arendt. The Human Condition. University of Chicago Press, 1958. Р. 4, 100; Polanyi. The Great Transformation. Р. 136, 122;

o гуано: Pomeranz K., Topic S. The world that trade created. New York: Sharpe, 2006. P. 116–120;

o моноресурсах: Латур Б. Политики природы. Ad marginem, 2018. C. 44; Innis H. The Fur Trade in Canada. University of Toronto Press, 1964; Drelichman M. The Curse of Moctezuma American Silver and the Dutch Disease, 1501–1650 // Exploring Economic History. 2005. July. 42/3. P. 349–380; Allen R. C. Global economic history: a very short introduction. Oxford University Press, 2011;

o гипотезе Пребиша-Сингера: Harvey D. I., Kellard N. M., Madsen J. B., Wohar M. E. The Prebisch-Singer Hypothesis: Four Centuries of Evidence: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/237656946_The_Prebisch-Singer_Hypothesis_Four_Centuries_of; Toye J. F. J., Toye R. The Origins and Interpretation of the Prebisch-Singer Thesis. History of Political Economy. 2003. Fall. Vol. 35. № 3;

о мир-экономике: Валлерстайн Э. Мир-система Модерна: В 4 т. М.: Русский фонд, 2015; Robertson R., Lechner F. Modernization, Globalization and the Problem of Culture in World-Systems Theory // Theory, Culture & Society. 1985. Vol. 2 (3). P. 103–117;

о глобальном потреблении сырья: OECD Key Findings: Material Resources, Productivity And The Environment https://www.oecd.org/greengrowth/MATERIAL%20RESOURCES,%20PRODUCTIVITY%20AND%20THE%20ENVIRONMENT_key%20findings.pdf; United Nations Environment Program. Decoupling natural resource use and environmental impacts from economic growth. 2011. http://wedocs.unep.org/handle/20.500.11822/9816; Hoekstra A. Y., Mekonnen M. M. The water footprint of humanity. 2012. http://www.pnas.org/content/109/9/3232.full; Гайдар Е. Гибель империи. М.: АСТ, 2013. C. 197; Smil V. Making the Modern World – Materials and Dematerialization. New York: Wiley, 2013.

Глава 8. Ресурсные проекты

O приключениях Дефо и Робинзона: Dickey L. Daniel Defoe’s Political Writings 1608–1707 // A Union for Empire. Political thought and the British Union of 1707. Cambridge University Press, 1995; Hamilton V., Parker M. Daniel Defoe and the Bank of England: The Dark Arts of Projectors. London: Hunt, 2016; Эткинд А. Внутренняя колонизация;